Thursday, July 12, 2018

In Concert

I believe this is my last school post. We can't forget the end of the year concerts. They are very fun to go watch and listen to.

First up was June. She does such an excellent job on violin. She tried out for the Utah Valley Youth Symphony and was accepted. I really enjoy listening to her play.

Her Chamber Orchestra group has done a great job this year. They had a new teacher and she said that she loved the Chamber group because they just wanted to play. She could give them anything and they would learn it and enjoy playing. They got Superior ratings at all their competitions.

Robyn was also asked to play some percussion during the Orchestra concert. I'm so sad we didn't record Phantom of the Opera because it sounded amazing with Robyn on Crash Symbols.

This is June's last year in Junior High, so they gave flowers to their teacher. June has had an amazing three years playing in Orchestra.

Here is the Advanced and Chamber performing Come Together.

Next was the Band Concert. Robyn does so many things in band. First, she performs with the Symphonic Band. This year, they weren't separated by grade, but instead by testing into a group. Robyn was very happy to be in the top group. This is a piece they performed at competition called Adrenaline Engines.

Here are the symphonic percussionists. This is one of the few times we could see Robyn. Sometimes she gets lost back there.

Percussion always plays a song or two by themselves. I really enjoyed their pick this year. I'll have to ask Robyn what it is called. I don't remember.

And finally, Robyn is also in Jazz Band. They have a whole arsenal of songs for performances. I really enjoyed listening to September because I like that Robyn does cowbell and tambourine. You can barely see behind the piano.

Mrs. Taylor always give out awards to outstanding players in all her bands. In percussion, she gives an award to the best 7th, 8th, and 9th grade player. Robyn got it last year so she was pretty embarrassed when she got it again. But I'm not surprised. She is amazing at percussion.

I love watching these girls develop their talents. I'm excited for next year and more concerts.

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