Friday, July 13, 2018

November Phone Dump 2017

We are just hopping back and forth. Today is another time travel day to last year. I need to get rid of photos on my phone, so it is nice to get all the random things on here. Here are some tidbits from the month of November.

Ivory did a science experiment. She built her own solar oven and then made cookie dough and cooked it in four different ways: Stove, Oven, Solar Oven, and Microwave. I was so concerned about her using the stove top that I didn't ask about the other methods. I didn't know she was planning on using the microwave. And that she planned to cook them all for the same amount of time. She figured out that she shouldn't microwave a cookie for ten minutes when smoke started coming from the microwave. Yikes. Live and learn. And the solar oven didn't do much. It clearly needs more than ten minutes.

I read Everything, Everything and in the book they talk about Phonetic Scrabble. So I played some with my kids and some for Book Group. It was really fun. It is pretty tricky, but all you have to do is convince the other players that your word works.

Pearl was busy growing teeth in November. You can see they are just starting to break through. She is a much faster grower than Daisy.

I was put in charge of a musical number for a gathering. It was fun to ask the girls in the neighborhood to help out and also to use June's violin experience. The girls did several practices and then performed very well. They sang, If the Savior Stood Beside Me. It was beautiful.

We have fallen off the service wagon. It is hard to plan family service. In this case, we planned to rake leaves and then we forgot it got dark early. I came home to find the kids almost finished. But regardless of light, it is always nice to see them out helping others.

June was sick sometime in November. It is never fun to miss school, but she usually catches up on her TV watching.

I found me new favorite picture of the Savior. I need to get a copy of this print. It is beautiful. It went well with the STAR theme at camp, although I never got a copy to give to the girls. But I still want one for my home.

Daisy made a dinner on the lawn one night. It was a busy night, so not everyone got to benefit from it, but Hannah was over and she and June were able to dine outside. I think it was actually a little chilly, but they still look like they had a good time and Daisy was satisfied that someone partook of her decorations.

Daisy was in a school Thanksgiving program. It was a little strange. Something about the turkeys lobbying to not be eaten? Anyway, Daisy did a good job.

Ivory made our Thankful Turkey this last year. The lamination wasn't very good, but the turkey looks great. I like his rainbow feathers.

Daisy and Ivory were just getting into ballroom in November. The program was new and they were learning all the right steps. I went to a little mini performance so parents could see how they were doing. Daisy and Ivory are both very good. Here is Daisy doing the waltz.

Finally, as November slid to a close, we were putting up the tree. We barely got it up in time for December, probably because we were in WA. I love that all the kids are old enough to help. I don't really have to do anything. Just point them in the right direction and they can take over.

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