Monday, August 20, 2018

Back At It (It Being School)

Ahem...I would like to take this moment to welcome myself back to the blog. I kinda got lost in stitching and going back to work and enjoying the end of summer. Of course, this will only come back to bite my future self and fill my life with guilt, but it was mostly worth it. I have great memories. Now I just need to put them on here.

But first started again. It has this annoying habit of being the boss of everyone and when it decides summer is over, no one gets to argue. So we all dutifully fell in line this morning. Except maybe this guy. His hair seems to say, "I don't care that I got up early. You can't keep me from crawling  back into bed when everyone leaves for school."

I even got pictures of everyone as they headed out to three different schools. That's right. We have one in High School now. Can it be true? I'm trying not to think about it too much. Just enjoy every moment.

Here are the kids favorites as of this morning. It is possible they have changed since it is 12 hours later, but if you go back in time, some things have stayed pretty consistent.

In no particular order:

The girls have mixed feelings. I don't think anyone was terribly excited to go back, but after coming home from school, some people are excited and everyone is at least resigned to their fate. Welcome back to another year of indentured learning...

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