Friday, August 3, 2018

June Phone Dump

Speaking of phone dump, my phone is slowly dumping me. It is getting old enough that programs are no longer working on it. I believe they have decided they aren't compatible with so old of a device. I really need a new phone, but I just can't afford one. First world problems. If I do get a new phone, I want to get one with a nice camera. My phone camera is not terrible, but it struggles sometimes. The other day, I could NOT get it to focus on a snail on Robyn's hand. It just wouldn't do it. It is frustrating.

The good news is that blog wise, I'm only a month behind. (And I haven't blogged last December, but let's not talk about that.) That is pretty good for a busy summer. The bad news is that they already have me back at work. I can feel my time slipping away. Oh summer, where hast thou gone? Why hast thou forsaken me so soon?

Time just keeps chugging along. But let's get down to brass tacks. June (the month) happened. I felt like the month was girls camp and the play. But there were a few other tid bits here and there.

Tyler found Pearl reading in the library. Most people don't read like this...but whatever floats your boat.

Our baby birds hatched in the back yard. I heard them chirping away one day waiting for mom to come feed them. I'm amazed so many little bodies can fit in such a small space.

Tyler had extra time to hang out with the littles while I was at girls camp. It looks like they did some fun things.

Speaking of camp. It is so fun, but totally exhausting. Check out the kids on the afternoon we got home. It was sad because we had to wake them all up for rehearsal.

Robyn edited this selfie Daisy took and put a banana on her face. I love it!

I'm not sure why Tyler took this picture of the sprinklers, but I really like it, style wise.

Pip likes to snuggle. She was in her usual spot on the top of the couch and then she started to slide down. She was content to rest between Dad and Robyn. I think they were stuck in this position for an hour.

I went to a friend's house to drop something off and discovered that they have a giant tortoise for a pet. He is so cool. (They actually don't know if he is a boy or a girl. It is very hard to tell.) I watched him eat. I would not like him to bite me. If our fingers are like carrots then he would make short work of them.

Pearl finished her first crosstitch. I'm very proud of her. It looks very nice. I would say she has a skill for it. Now, we'll see if she has the patience. Now all the girls have officially finished at least one piece of stitching. Robyn doesn't stitch anymore. She likes to draw and I don't blame her. It is much faster.

Tyler's work summer party happened in June. We like to go swimming and hit the BBQ. In this instance, June was doing summer school, and Ivory was grounded, so I borrowed a couple kids and we had a blast playing at the Rec Center. Mathew and Abby were the perfect addition.

Game night still happens almost every Sunday. Sometimes we play Spikeball before. When we have a lot of people, we play four square style where we rotate people in. It is a blast. That game might be my most favorite ever.

Secret Hitler is also a huge favorite. This evening was a night to put in the books because Nate shaved his mustache and came over looking like Hitler. It was the best. I'm only sad that he wasn't actually Hitler that evening.

Robyn and I were getting books at the library one day and Robyn said they had a picture of her on the wall. I was dubious, but sure enough, the picture bears a striking resemblance to her. What do you think?

One of the things I forgot to mention about the play was the glitter. The faeries would throw it around and as the week went by, you could find more and more glitter all over the place. It covered the ground. One night while we were talking after the play, I put glitter on my pants. I liked the blur in this shot because it makes the glitter look like little lights. If you look closely, you can see more glitter on the ground. So much glitter. Sometimes the faeries would purposely throw extra glitter on people's heads. (Sneaky faeries.)

Grandma came to watch the play. We cooked her some healthy meals, did a ton of stitching and then she had to leave again. We loved having her. I took a couple girls to the airport with me. Don't ask me why they are in their jammies.

And to end the month, how about a huge strawberry. The kids made me take a picture. The end.

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