Tuesday, August 28, 2018

California Meets Utah

Our cousin exchange program went so well last year that we decided to do it again. Plus, we love any excuse to get Ethan (or any of the Kelly's) out to visit us. Ethan is crazy busy with sports, so it was very hard for him to find some time to get away. But he finally settled on a weekend right after the fourth of July.

The only problem was that I threw my back out the morning he arrived. It was really bad timing. I carried the vacuum upstairs and felt all the muscles go wrong. Then I couldn't move very well after that. But I didn't have a choice about picking Ethan up. That is mandatory. There is a rule about not leaving people at the airport, especially when they are minors. So I took Ivory with me and I walked like an old lady. (Actually, old ladies walk faster than I was walking.) It was pathetic. But I could still move, so I counted my lucky stars. And although we didn't beat Ethan to the gate, we did find him easily in the terminal.

Plans for that afternoon were swimming. I took my crew and a couple extras over to the rec center, dropped everyone off, and I went home. Boo. I was so excited to go swimming with the kids and Ethan. We had such a good time when we went for Tyler's work party and now everyone would be there...except me. Such is life. But needless to say, I don't have any pictures from swimming.

We had some scheduled activities, but naturally, we just played a lot too. We had games going all the time. Tyler had nine square up (which they made for Scout Camp) and it was really fun to play. I think we had it up on our lawn for over a week. Anyone stopping by would just join in.

We played some board and card games. Moods was not Ethan's favorite, but I have yet to meet a boy who loves that game.

Saturday we had some scheduled activities. First up was hiking to Stewart Falls. Scratch me off that list and I think I kept Pearl home as well. (Either she was home with me, or Tyler managed to leave her out of all the pictures.) Stewart falls is a good hike I hear. Maybe 4 miles round trip. I have never hiked it myself. But it looks like it was a fun, if exhausting time.

I can't complain about my back too much. Although it was really bad Friday morning, by Saturday I was feeling better...remarkably better. Usually it takes four or so days to get me back in business, but I was playing Spikeball by Sunday. That is miraculous healing time. I still tried to take it easy, so I contributed to the party by playing games while seated and trying not to beat everyone. (Ivory and Robyn tied playing Camel Up.)

Tyler took Ethan and Ivory shooting in the afternoon on Saturday. Ethan shot the 'Assassin' Rugar Mark III, the AR-15 Assault rifle, the cowboy action .45 long Colt, and the 9mm Beretta. (Yes, I had to ask for all those names from Tyler. I have no idea what kind of guns he has.) E and Ives seemed to be digging it. Ivory found clay pigeons and used them as targets. They are both pretty good shots.

Sunday night means game night and it was fun to have Ethan there for games. We had a few of our regulars and some new people. The twins came down to play Spikeball and Radi and his cousin Corbin stayed for Secret Hitler. Sophie looks so innocent, but she is devious and quite a good Hitler.

On Monday, we went to see Ocean's 8 in the theater. We don't go to movies often, so that was fun to watch. And then all too soon, Ethan had to leave. We only got him for a moment, but it was fantastic. This time we planned it right and sent two kids with Ethan to California. It was Robyn and Daisy's turn to visit so we shipped them all out together.

I have some great pictures from their adventures in Cali, but I'll try to get Robyn to narrate since she will be a better tour guide than I would be.

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