Monday, August 27, 2018

Glad to Be an American

We had a very relaxed 4th of July this year. We are privileged to live by two guys that have their pyrotechnics license. I'm not sure what that means, but they have to do at least one large show a year to keep their license. (I may be making this up. Someone told me this.) They live just around the corner, so we stop by when they are putting on a show. One of them did fireworks on the 3rd and one of them did fireworks on the 4th. We managed to catch some of both shows. I always try and take a few pictures and they are awful. Luckily Tyler took a few and they were much better. Plus they were interspersed with selfies of him and Robyn and that was totally worth it.

On the morning of the Fourth, our ward hosted a breakfast. I was newly called into the Relief Society presidency as the secretary, so this was my first event with them. I didn't do a lot. I helped cut up fruit and then I helped serve the food that morning. I was amazed at how many people came. Over 200 people showed up. It was well attended. We didn't have a lot going on besides food. Someone sang a bit and we had a kid's bike parade at the end. It was actually a nice relaxing morning.

The best part of the day was when Caroline randomly showed up in the afternoon to play games. I guess her family wanted to watch a movie, but she wanted to play games, so she came over. She came to the right place. There is hardly a time when we won't drop almost anything to play a game. We played some Codenames and she taught us Monopoly Deal. It was really fun.

Fourth of July is one of the only holidays that we don't have set traditions to go with it. We do something different every year. We seem to enjoy everything we do, so we'll keep it random. Why not?

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