Friday, September 21, 2018

All the Tid Bits of December 2017

Could it be? Is it she? (These lines from Beauty and the Beast pop into my head rather often actually.) In this case, the question is...Could it be? Did I finally get to the end of 2017? And the answer is almost. I have my phone dump to get through today and then ONE more post about the window the girls painted for the New Year. But I am still very excited to be at this point. So let's jump right into tid bits from last year.

The very first day of December, we had a gorgeous sunset. I think that was a good omen.

We got our trees up in both rooms. (Yes, Tyler laughs at me for having more than one tree, but it makes me happy. And you can see our shoe tree in the back.)

Although it didn't officially snow until Christmas Eve, there was a light dusting here and there in the mornings.

These flowers are proof that sometimes it takes me longer than usual to kill something. But don't worry, I always get my plant in the end.

Grandma Dargan got rid of a lot of her nativities. Do you remember how many she had? It was cool because she sent pictures and the girls got to pick one they liked. Then she mailed them to us. It was like an early Christmas present. We didn't get pictures of all the girls, but here is Daisy and Pearl with their sets.

One of the biggest highlights of the Christmas season is the Scoresby's Christmas party. So fun! We wore our ugly sweaters and had a blast.

It is nice to paint your toes in the winter, because they often get neglected when they are in boots and socks all the time.

Pip sleeps wherever she feels like it, but this position can't be comfortable, can it? She looks like something is broken.

A few more weirdies. Tyler doesn't normally take them, so it is funny to see stubble on the girls.

At work, there is a shredder. The girls would often visit me in the copy room, and one day Robyn decided to write out instructions for the machine. It made me laugh quite a bit. I especially like, "Don't kick any children."

The Ward Christmas party was nice. I didn't give it a whole post. They grabbed some youth from our ward and put together a string ensemble. They sounded very nice and there is Miss June up front.

That same day after the Ward party, most of the family took off for Idaho, but I stayed home with sick Pearl. It is no fun to be sick around Christmas. I believe the family had a good time up North, but this was the only picture I saw. Hey KJ, looking good. At least it is proof that they made it up there.

And then it was quite blustery on the way back. Idaho was sending the snow we needed for Christmas.

After Christmas, Pearl was well enough to go on a date with me. We went to see Ferdinand. Not exactly like the book, but still cute.

While Dad and June were out of town at Front Sight, I took the girls to use their free meals from Brick Oven. I actually hate using those things. You are supposed to have a parent meal for each free kids meal. It never works out right and I don't enjoy the food much. I remembered why I usually throw them away. But it was still fun to hang out with my girls.

And finally, this last picture is the reason I blog. Here is Pearl reading a blog book. The girls get them out fairly frequently. I hope they have many lasting memories from their childhood.

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