Saturday, September 22, 2018

Looking Through to 2018

Let's give a cheer to the end of 2017!

Yes, I know it was over 9 months ago. But today is when it officially ended for me. This is my last post from 2017. Ivory is giving me a hard time. She doesn't have a blog to keep up on. She doesn't know how hard it is to document all the little things and then edit pictures and get them on here. Maybe she should make me cookies to show her appreciation. Oh...she said she would make brownies. That will be acceptable. (There are good things about having someone read over your shoulder while you are typing.)

Now that she is in the kitchen, making my celebration brownies, I'll get my last post on here. Robyn had big plans for the window at the turn of the year. That is why her Christmas window was never quite finished. She knew it had to go to make way for 2018.

Although Robyn does most of the windows by herself, sometimes she will have her sisters help. It is very nice when she gets them all involved. In this case, she sketched out her drawing and her sisters filled in the numbers.

Then came the splattering and speckling. They chose different colors and went to town.

I was skeptical about this idea. (Meaning I didn't want paint all over everything.) Robyn tried to plan in advance. But paper taped over the brick doesn't protect the window edges. But in the end, there wasn't too much paint all around. Nine months later, there is still paint on the ground and quite a bit on the ceiling of the porch, but how can you say no to these kids and their creativity.

They had a good time. They got nice and messy and were proud of their end result. This was an excellent project for Christmas Break.

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