Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Carving Adventures

Since it is Halloween today, I figured I would do a post to go along with the theme. We carved our pumpkins just a few days ago, so let's share our spooky designs.

We usually carve the Monday before Halloween, so the pumpkins are still mostly intact by the time we get Trick-or-Treaters. But this time we did it on Sunday because June has been working a lot of Monday evenings.

Camie and Nate came and carved with us. The littles still need a bit of help getting going, but everyone else just sat down and did their thing. It was an enjoyable evening with creativity and a lot of guts...pumpkin guts that is.

I tried something I haven't done before and it didn't turn out quite like I wanted, but I was still happy with the end result. But it took forever. I think I'll stick to regular carving next year.

Camie and Nate lit their pumpkins and had to leave before I finished, but they sent me pictures of their lit creations.

In fact, some of the kids were in bed by the time I finished my pumpkin, so we took pictures the next day holding our designs.

They all look fabulous at night. Tyler has gotten really good at taking glowing pictures. I love June's mummy. Cutting up a pumpkin in slices is harder than you think.

Everyone did a great job! Although I don't love pumpkin guts (they make me itch), this is one of my favorite family activities of the year.

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