Thursday, November 1, 2018

Inktober in November - Poisonous

Hello November. You always come right after October winking and saying that although we all have a Halloween hangover, now is the time to make goals and get things done. You don't judge. You just offer the opportunity. And I think I will jump on this year.

Blogging every day seems a bit daunting at the moment, but then I remembered that I want to share Inktober with you. What is Inktober you may ask? Well, in the month of October, some artists take the challenge to do an ink drawing every day of the month. Robyn took on the challenge and came up with some amazing drawings. I loved them so much, I put them up all over the copy room at work. It is like my own personal art show every day. But I want to put them on here too, so they can be kept forever.

Thus, I will post one picture a day, just like she drew them. And I will also blog other stuff as well. So you get Inktober in November. A month late, but still just as sweet.

These images are scanned. I think they look okay, although it is no substitution for the original.  Each day has a theme and although many people don't use the prompts, Robyn used them this first time around.

Day 1 (Poisonous)

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