Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Day 7 (Exhausted)

I think Robyn chose me as her inspiration for this day. Although my eyes aren't nearly that big. It is interesting how sometimes you just need a little perspective. June said that in Seminary they were talking about God's plan and your own plan and how the two are often different, but you will always grow more if you follow God's plan. The teacher had them decide what they wanted their life to look like ten years in the future.

She said, "I want to be married, have a bunch of girls, maybe have a side job, and enjoy my hobbies while participating in church and raising my children. Basically your life mom." Wow. I am living June's ideal life. So on the days when things seem overwhelming and frustrating, I should remember that I am living an ideal life. And really...I am. My life is great. Doesn't mean I'm not exhausted sometimes.

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