Wednesday, November 7, 2018

When You Forget Balloons...

June's big gift was her trip to Cedar City to see the play, but we still celebrated with her on her actual birthday. The kids got her some stuff and the Grandmas are always very generous.

Daisy picked out some snail earrings online. They were super cute, but I think Robyn may have been more excited about them because of her snail shirt.

Robyn made June this really cute picture/card.

Robyn got June a violin case. She has been needing a bigger case for a long time.

Her original case didn't have room for extras so her shoulder rest was always carried around separately. She has even forgotten it a few times when we went to lessons. Not any more.

Grandma Dargan must have been thinking along the same lines because she sent violin music. (I better hear a lot more practicing June.)

Granny V sent June's present a couple months ago. She didn't want to forget, so she sent it along with Daisy's gift. So June had to wait a long time to open it. 

I made a strawberry swirl cheesecake. I've decided that I don't like working with strawberry puree. It doesn't seem to work like I want. Although it always tastes good.

It is hard to believe that June is sixteen. Time flies. She is such a good kid. And such a good friend.

That is why I felt awful when I forgot balloons for her. It is always a tradition to pick the kids up from school with balloons. I vaguely remembered there was something I was supposed to do the next day...but it slipped my mind. After school June texted and asked me when I was picking her up. I texted back and asked her WHY I was picking her up. She said, "Because of the balloons."


I felt I had to repent, so instead of regular balloons, I did something completely different. I got a whole bunch of balloons and filled them with odds and ends. There was confetti, candy, money, challenges, and even water in a couple. We numbered them up to 21. But she was only allowed to choose 16, so there was the possibility she might miss out on some of the treats and get tricks instead.

She did get one helium balloon and that had the instructions attached. She had no idea what was coming. (Bwah hah hah)

I needed a boy around for one of the challenges and I had seen Mathew around the corner at Steven's house so I texted him and told him to come over. Apparently Steven was having a birthday party and the entire crew came over. (Don't worry...his party was finished. We didn't interrupt.) But it made for a great audience. It was perfect. We called on each person to stand up. June would choose a balloon and then the person would pop it over her head.

Can you see the confetti in this picture? I chose red because that is June's favorite color. And we already had a ton of blue confetti in the driveway, so now we needed red confetti on the lawn.

June drew a challenge. She had to choose two people and beat them at Spikeball.

June played with AJ and played to five points. It didn't take her long to beat him. (He wasn't bad...she just has lots of practice.) Robyn was a much harder opponent. June barely pulled out the win.

June got another challenge right away. She had to put on lipstick and kiss a boy on the cheek. There were plenty of boys to choose from. We finally got a volunteer, but he didn't want a photo. Too bad.

More confetti. June managed to get all the confetti balloons.

June managed to avoid the water balloons for quite some time, but she finally found them.

Since June only got to choose 16 out of 21, there were some balloons left over. Since it was Steven's birthday just days before, we decided he should take the last ones. He was game. I was sad that June had used up the last water balloon. It seemed Steven needed one of those. So I ran inside and got a cup of water. June did the honors and poured the water while Cedros popped an empty balloon. It was funny because Steven noticed the pause between the two. He said, "I heard the balloon pop, but the water didn't come right away."

Steven got two of the challenges. The first was to make up a limerick. I'm not sure Steven even knows what a limerick is, but he did his best. This is what he came up with:

There once was a lovely potato
And it smelled strongly of tomato
Red was its color of fancy
But it was eaten by someone named Nancy
That was its lonely fate-o.

The rhyme scheme isn't quite right, but we'll give him points for his first limerick.

He also got the challenge to have someone draw on your foot. He thought that was really weird. (Yes...we are weird.) June was willing to suffer with him, and luckily there were siblings on hand more than willing to help. Robyn did June's foot and Steven's brother, Spencer, did his.

Success. The balloons ended up being so fun. I'm actually glad I forgot to get regular helium ones. This may be a new tradition in the making.

And don't forget lunch. June loves to try new restaurants and foods. Dad recommended DP Cheesesteaks and I figured they needed some company. Delicious food and I love hanging out with these people. 

Happy Sixteen June! This is going to be a great year!

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