Monday, November 12, 2018

September 2018 Chatbook

We've had some sad picture drama around here. Our portable drive where we store everything....died. (Yes, you may shed a few tears for us.) All my pictures, neatly organized are gone. Granted, I still have access to all the pictures on my phone and for that I thank my lucky stars, but there is still so much that was sucked into the void. It is depressing.

However, I blog, so honestly, so many of my pictures made it on here already. So in the end, this situation isn't ideal, but it is not catastrophic. I can cope. And maybe we'll manage to salvage the drive somehow, by paying a lot of money, or indenturing one of our children. Who knows?

I had a lot of photos organized for my September Chatbook, and then I had to start all over. Sigh. But I'm back in business, so here goes.

Let's start with the WHAP map. June has a really hard history class. They were given a map assignment to draw the world with certain things labeled. And they were given the paper on which to draw it. It wasn't a very big piece of paper, but June did her best. She had no idea it was a contest, but she got 'Best in Show' for her map. Not surprising. I think it was excellent.

I really love to play Spikeball. This is not a secret by any means. (It has been almost a year since I got my Spikeball net, and I'm happy to say it is one of the best and most used gifts I've gotten. Thank you mom.) Here we are playing with the Hulse's for Labor day, I think. And with Mahonri. (We beat him a few times when he first started playing, but now we can't touch him.)

When we went to Lake Powell and took Spikeball, we only had one ball with us at the time. Maybe you can tell which one was used more? They look pretty much the same now, but I think it is funny how obvious it was which one was dragged through the sand a thousand times.

I hosted book group in September and Trudy brought her beautiful baby. I hadn't seen her yet and she is already so big. And of course, my girls love babies so it only took seconds before they swarmed over her.

I love finding treasures on Tyler's phone. Here is a great one. I missed this night completely, but I love that Tyler has a mermaid tail on and a sleep mask. And that Pearl is taking the picture. It all makes my heart melt.

Pearl is probably one of our best puzzlers. Most of the kids like them, but Pearl will usually be the one to start a puzzle and see it through to the end. And I like seeing Dad working on it with her. They did a great job on this heart one and it didn't take them too long to finish it.

Daisy is back in ballroom this year. She is level two now. They had to find some new boys to join level two, but I think they will have a whole team. The parents were invited to watch them practice the Merengue one day. Daisy is super cute. Those earrings must be killing her ears.

June brought this emoji challenge home from the library at school. All these emojis stand for book titles. I got most of them. See if any of them stand out to you.

You may have heard about the fires in Utah during September. I believe they made national news? It was really bad for a while, but luckily no homes were lost. (I think that is the case.) Most days you could see the smoke fill the air. Sometimes it would stay down south and other days, it would cover the valley and you could smell it everywhere. On this particular day when we went down to violin, it was interesting, because the smoke was staying in one basic area. It made the entire sky brown.

In the evenings, you could see the fires burning all the way from our house. Can you see the glow at the end of the street?

Since we were outside, we all grabbed flyers. (We still have a ton left from camp.) We had competitions to see whose could go the furthest. Robyn looks like she is flinging a shooting star.

September means school carnival month. I didn't sign up for anything this year. Yay! And kids were coming and going from activities so it was a little disjointed. The younger kids got their hair colored and some face paint.

I like to look at the cakes and choose a best and worst. I thought this digger cake was so creative. It was my favorite.

This cake was...strange. I think it has something to do with Tangled. I get the guy sitting there, but what in the world is the other thing? It isn't quite attached and it is huge and scary. June was looking at the cakes with me and she said, "We must be looking at the back. Let's go to the other side." Nope. Just as weird and freaky on the other side. But it won the award for worst cake in my book. That has to count for something. (Oh, it must be the tower.? Maybe they dropped it.)

Time for some Pip pictures. We have Princess Pip and the Pea. How many mattresses does she need?

It is getting colder, but I think this dog is over bundled.

Can you spot the Pip?

We haven't gotten family pictures for a while. We sent in a audition tape for our family for something and took a picture together. Might as well enjoy a family picture even if it isn't professional.

Pearl made her bed the other day. I wonder if she has been cold at night. There are seven blankets on her bed and those are only the ones I can see...

I'm not sure where Dad was or why, but these fall trees are beautiful.

Robyn has been taking pictures of bio encounters. She got a whole lot of pictures of mushrooms from our lawn. I really like them. I especially like the fairy she found sitting on the mushroom.

June went to Color Me Mine with Hannah and they did mugs. I love her candy corn mug. The orange brew is compliments of Robyn's editing skilz.

We got a truck! Granted, it has some problems. It has been in and out of the shop. The previous owner was not as up front as he could have been about the truck's issues. That is life. But the hope is that we will get Ironman (as the truck has been lovingly named) up and running and it will be June's vehicle. She has to learn stick in order to drive him. (Yes...we are those parents.) Here is June working on the brakes. It is good to get your hands dirty under a car.

It is always fun to lick the knife after your sister cuts her birthday cheesecake. Even if the knife is huge.

Finally, I'll leave you with this gorgeous sunset. I think I got this while watching Robin Hood. Autumn brings splendid sunsets. Happy Fall.

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