Monday, November 12, 2018

Still Looking Good After 19 Years

While all my pictures were disappearing, my laziness paid off. When I move pictures over from my camera to my computer, I usually don't delete them off the card. I'm not sure why. It doesn't take much time, but I don't mind my card getting full. And I like seeing all the pictures on there when I flip through.

Well this time, it was a blessing. All the pictures I moved over were gone, but luckily my anniversary pictures were still on the camera card. Whew. I did not want to take them again. It probably wouldn't happen.

Robyn was our great photographer that we brought along this year. We couldn't find a piece to the tripod so we needed another set of hands.

It was a beautiful day and we went to a park that we know well. And thus these following pictures came about. We are definitely starting to get a bit grey around the edges, but the smile lines are genuine.

This was the winner for this year. This picture gets a place on honor on the wall. I will see it every time I go down the stairs. Guess I'm in for a few more smile lines.

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