Wednesday, January 2, 2019

November Chatbook 2018

Sometimes I hope that a month will go by and absolutely nothing will happen, at least nothing blog worthy. Because I have fantastic fun kids, that rarely happens, but November was pretty close. Nothing too big. But plenty plenty of small moments to fit into a chatbook. So let's get going...

We found June and Ivory dressed very similarly one morning. Although it looked like Ivory was the dark version of June.

And check out Dad. He can be the greatest fashionista in the family, especially with a little help from Pearl.

Dad has been checking out new fashion all through the country. Here he is in Texas sporting the local attire. I think he would make a fine cowboy, and he is already a sharpshooter.

We have been making a lot of shirts around here. Word has gotten out and people will now seek us out to make shirts. The girls are starting to get involved in the process, and I get roped into it as well since I am usually home during the day when screens need to be exposed. I helped with this one (much better than the skittle) and June did a goodly amount.

We had a fall festival at our ward and one of the activity rooms was a Turkey shoot. They blew up balloons, drew turkeys on them and then let kids use nerf guns to hunt them. I thought it was such a cute activity, I took a picture to remember it.

Traditionally my kids are not always student of the day in any given school year. Not because they aren't good kids, but they just get looked over. So I was happy to see Ivory made it her seventh grade year already.

All the pumpkins slowly melted on our doorstep after Halloween, but I loved that mine looked like an old man. He still had teeth, but something was wrong with his smile.

Pearl and I had a date. We went and bought a trinket at Claire's and then got some ColdStone. (Much better than that Cone of Wonder.)

Granny V likes to send random gifts from the mission field. It is pretty cute. Robyn received these kissing salt and pepper shaker pigs. How adorable.

Activity Days had a recognition night. Their theme was flowers. Something like, Everyone is an individual flower in the garden of the gospel. (I know that isn't right, but it is close. And oddly a lot like the light theme for Young Women in excellence.)

There is a new media aid in the library at school. She is super creative. I love to see all the fun stuff she puts up. Check out this Hobbit door she made. And you can't read the little sign because it is blurry but it says, "This way, BOOKS, That way, Bears maybe? I wouldn't risk it."

Robyn still edits my photos now and then. I found this one of Pearl and it may be one of my favorite pictures ever. We were headed to violin and she was just standing there for a good two minutes while we got stuff out of the car. The tu-tu, candy cane and snow make it perfect. The socks were in the original picture. Who needs matching socks?

This also was a Robyn edit. I died my hair to cover some gray, but it was a little darker than I planned. Most people couldn't even tell, so I took a picture to remind myself. Clearly Robyn sees a different side of me.

Loving the static cling from Daisy's hair to this balloon. It was at a surprise birthday party for Caleb, Hannah, and Mathew.

June did Pit for Evita in November. It was the Fall Musical at her High School. Evita is some intense music. They play non-stop. She had a good time. We came to watch as a family on a couple nights. I love seeing these sisters support each other.

The creepy copy room doll was all dressed up for Thanksgiving time. I'm not sure how Robyn comes up with these ideas, but I like them all.

Since watching the Great British Baking Show around here, everyone has been more interested in baking. The only one complaining is my waistline. This is a blueberry cake Robyn made that was delicious.

Robyn decided to trim her locks. The girls' hair gets so long that even a few inches makes a healthy difference.

Sheesh, I can never get Pip off the computer. She is always watching cat videos.

Tyler is kind enough to share his Shemaugh at church. I have often borrowed it to stay warm. Looks like Pearl has to.

June is always very good about paying for her phone on time. (She has to pay a monthly fee, which increases each year.) I like her cute note.

Here is Dad doing his official duty at Book Buddies. He always makes time for the kids. He is the best.

And finally a beautiful sunset to end this rather long post. But hey...November is all wrapped up.

No...wait! I have a video for you today as well. This is a great one. Robyn can only cross one eye apparently. This is a great example.

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