Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Adoorable Decorating

I've worked at the school for a few years now. Each December there is a door decorating contest. I always think about it, but then it seems like it would be a lot of work. Most teachers have their students help or do the whole thing and I don't have any students per se.

But Robyn suddenly really wanted to decorate my door so I was on board. She came up with the design and we worked on it together. This is what it looked like originally.

I felt like it was missing something, so I decided to add Zero. I drew him and Robyn shaded him in for the ghosty effect.

Seriously, I love Zero...

Then Ethan (who was Robyn's art buddy) did the wording for us. He is great at calligraphy and fonts. So this is our finished door.

I believe it is a contest, but I don't think my door was ever included on the list. Which is really too bad because I think our door was pretty darn good. I walked around the school to see the competition and I wasn't too impressed. (Granted, some doors may have been decorated on the side I couldn't see, but there sure didn't seem to be too many.)

The art room door was pretty good with their Picasso Santa.

And I also really liked the Front Office penguin.

Counseling usually does something fun using their faces, although I think this could have been a bit better.

I know I must have missed some because some girls came in to get paper for the Lamp from Christmas Story but I never found their door (It was closed.) I hear Glassford had his door done, but I never saw it. Norma drew the Grinch, but I couldn't see anything on their door either. (I think people should put the decoration on the outside if their doors are going to be closed!)

The library always has cute stuff up, although this is the window, not the door. The little sign says, "COLD? Check out a book. You'll still be cold, but you would have a book."

Next year, maybe I will decorate again AND I will tell someone so my door can be included. But either way, I enjoyed hanging out with Jack at work during the Christmas season.

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