Friday, February 8, 2019

Lone Red Pine

We are paint nite people around here. When there are deals on paint nite tickets, sometimes I buy them just cuz. Well, I bought one for Robyn and she looked through many paintings before she settled on the one she wanted to do. Unfortunately, it was not at a good time.

It was on a Wednesday night that I was out of town at Clear Creek and Tyler was busy at mutual. So we called in the best recruit ever...Camie. She loves art and Robyn, so she was the perfect choice.

I'm sad I wasn't able to go and experience it all with them, but I'm okay not having a double painting in the house. (We already have plenty.)

They look like they are ready to have a great time.

A blank canvas. You would think the possibilities are endless but since they are all there to paint the same thing, maybe less endless...

They're off. Looks like Robyn has some good background trees going in. (By the way, thanks to Camie for remembering to take pictures.)

Seriously, these two are the cutest. You can't tell from the pictures but Camie is 7 months or so pregnant. She is the best!

Part of me feels like this was a really good one for me to miss because I am not good at trees.

Camie is doing awesome. I don't think she had ever been to a paint nite before, except for the one she taught. :)

And (drumroll please) .........the finished product. I think they look so amazing. I'm so happy Robyn could go paint, and with Camie. What a fun night.

 Let's get one more close up. So pretty.

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