Saturday, February 16, 2019

Keeping Up With Tradition

I'm staying current, but I'm also still trying to squeeze some December posts in here and there. (So many of those blasted things.)

We had our ward Christmas party at the very beginning of December. It was really nice to get it out of the way. Especially since Tyler was in charge of it. For the program he planned on having someone read Luke 2, and then the congregation would sing a couple hymns and that was it. Shortest program ever. And somehow in the end, there was a problem with who we wanted to read, so June and I ended up doing it. It was a bit weird, but a good experience overall. Here we are up on stage reading Luke 2.

The girls remembered that we took a selfie last year and I made it into a gif. (Amazing what they remember.) So they wanted to do it again. However, looking back at the blog book, you can't see the pictures, so I'm putting those on first and then the gif.

You need a smile, surprised face, and tongue. That is how it goes.

Then put them all together.

I'm hoping I remember to do this at the party this year, but that is a long way off, so no promises.

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