Saturday, February 16, 2019

The BIG 4-0. And the lesser 4-1.

It is fun to have a birthday near Tyler's. But when it comes to birthdays, we are very different. I like doing fun activities and throwing a bash. Tyler likes his birthdays nice and quiet. In fact, when he turned 40, he didn't want anyone to do anything and he threatened that if he saw a single black balloon, he would leave town.

So, when it comes to celebrating MY birthday, he sometimes doesn't do much. Because this year was my fortieth birthday (why isn't it spelled fourtieth?) I wanted to do something special. I decided to plan it myself so it would actually happen. I had a preliminary plan in mind and then my back went out. All plans and projects and just about everything else fled my mind. I focused on day to day endurance until I got my epidural shot, then I was out of town and by the time I was back, all prep time was gone and it was my birthday. So nothing happened.

And by nothing, I literally mean...nothing. There was NOTHING planned for my birthday. I had gotten myself a few gifts, but there wasn't even time for me to open anything, so that was pushed back. On my actual birthday, no one at work remembered and I went through the day mostly content that I wasn't in pain.

Tyler took me out to lunch, in which I informed him that I wanted something to be done for my birthday next year. I need some recognition that this day, out of all other days, has something special for me because he bothered to think in advance. He argued his point and lost miserably. I wasn't even mad at him. I just wanted him to know that I need a little attention on my birthday.

I think this was rubbed in when I came home and a friend dropped by flowers and chocolates. So, I wasn't completely forgotten after all.

It happened that it was extended lunch at the High School, so the girls invited me to come play games with them. I sure love June, Christina, and Hannah. I even won the game. Happy Birthday to me.

I took a selfie of myself on my birthday. Turning 40. Oh deer!

In the evening, we had a Relief Society activity. They did Zumba, which was not on my acceptable list considering my back. So I just hung out. But the girls really loved it. Robyn even told me that she wanted to be a Zumba instructor someday.

The next day I was able to open the presents that I got for myself. I really love this dress.

And I ordered all the books we don't have for our family book group. But June and the kids gave them new names. I really loved all the titles.

I love books in general. Always a good gift, even if I chose them myself.

Now let's jump over to Tyler's birthday. Please remember that we celebrated quite a bit later than the actual day because of his kidney stones. But all the smiles and his sassy attitude was worth waiting for.

Ivory got him a dutch oven. (Selfish reasons since she wants to go camping with it, but I know Tyler would be on board with that.)

Robyn's wrapping was so funny. You can't see the picture, but it says "For someone who can pee sand." Classy Robyn.

I think Tyler was digging the new Shemaugh. He now has three color choices.
Candles out babe.

I wonder if this animation will work.

We did German Chocolate brownies because that's a favorite forever. We even gave him the middle piece, since he doesn't like edges. The frosting was homemade and it was so yummy.

Another year of birthdays gone already. It is nice to get them done first thing in the year. Tyler and I know how to start the year right!

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