Saturday, March 16, 2019

Ballroom Continues

February competitions are usually to qualify for BYU. Our Elementary was ready to go. They haven't been quite as crisp as last year, but they have been doing well enough to qualify.

I grabbed a picture before it all started. Love these two kids.

Here is our school walking out on the floor. Daisy looks so cute as always. I think she is wearing a dark purple rose this time. She got roses all year since she was level 2. (Level 1 wears daisies.)

Their assigned dance for this competition was Tango. Off they go.

For their surprise dance they got Foxtrot. I like watching this one, so I was happy it was picked.

Look at Henry's face as they come off the floor. Is that relief? Or is he worried they didn't do well?

After the competition, they often do the Social Swing where all the schools mix together and choose new partners and do a dance together. It is nice to show the kids that they can dance with anyone really. Can you see Daisy out there?

The kids scored a silver ribbon from the competition, but more importantly, they qualified to go to BYU in March. Yay!

Next up was Newcomer Swing. Do these kids look nervous? They shouldn't be. They do such a good job. In the video, you can watch the couple behind them mirror them almost perfectly until Henry does the 'roll'. The other couple doesn't do that. Many couples do, it just depends on whether you learned it at your school.

We took a picture of them walking off so we couldn't forget their number. You watch the big board to see if they make it through to the next round.

I think Daisy and Henry made it through three rounds. They danced four times, I believe. This is their number on the board for the last time. Not too shabby you two.

It was a fun competition. Now, on to BYU.

June also had a competition in February. They haven't had too many because their teacher wasn't able to sign up for some of them. Sadly, June was kind of sick for this competition. She does a good job dancing and puts on a happy face,  but she was feeling pretty yucky.

One of the first things I noticed was a guy with a Shemaugh. Literally the only other person besides Tyler that I have seen wear one.

June did practice a little bit, but most of the time she was reading in the stands. At least we didn't have to stay too long.

The only event they did was Newcomer Swing, much like Daisy, but with a few different moves. They are ready to go. Her partner was JB.

They got callbacks as well, but only once I think. I like this picture because June is smiling, and you can see James and Torrey in the background who are also from our school.

I'm sad because the coach decided not to do a team number. It was the last event of the day, so she decided to skip it. Granted, that was really nice for June. She would have had a miserable day. And already they knew they weren't going to BYU because they didn't sign up in time. Oh well. There is always next year. Not for June, since she won't be taking ballroom again, but for the other kids.

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