Saturday, March 9, 2019

December Chatbook 2018

Here I am wrapping up all the little tid bits from the end of the year. December is one of the crazier months. There is so much going on that sometimes I think my head will explode. Thank goodness none of my kids were born that month.

I have a lot of photos from all our cameras. They aren't all in order, but I don't think that matters. Enjoy the random pieces of Cazier crazy life...

This winter there has been no shortage of snow. Last year we had hardly any, but this is still snowing in March. It is annoying but some days can be so lovely with the snow. Tyler caught this picture out near work. It reminds me why I actually like snow some days.

The kids like to make a snowman with the first snows. I think we should have waited for a second or third snow...this guy was not very impressive. Add him to a long list of failed snowmen. Or snowlumps.

Any guesses which child this is?? *

Someone was excited to check out each gift as it made its way under the tree. I remember reading tags when I was young too.

We watched a lot of the Great British Baking show last year. A LOT! It always made me really hungry. So some of our desserts were inspired by the show. We did a roll, like they did on season one. Have you noticed that the British don't use pumpkin ever, as far as I've seen. (Granted...I haven't watched too many episodes.) Is pumpkin an American thing? We made a pumpkin roll. I won't lie, it was heavenly. We also tried out Mary Berry's cherry cake. That wasn't quite as good, but probably not her fault. It still looked festive.

I took a bad fall in December. Maybe you wouldn't call it a fall. I jumped off a counter and the door on the cupboard underneath opened just as I jumped. I landed on it, breaking the door and giving myself a wicked bruise on the inside of my leg. It hurt so much. I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes and told the girls (who sadly witnessed the event) that I would be okay in a minute. Ouch. I do not recommend this one.

Robyn, before she received her own phone, liked to steal mine and take pictures of Pip. She has gotten some really good ones. These are my favorite from the month.

Dad strained his back one day and he was trying to stretch it out. He was usually Pip as a good weight, but it looked like some strange worship ritual.

December is a good month to get the kids involved in service. Too bad we don't do as much as I'd like. We did help put together some bags for members in our ward. We created assembly lines and put a whole bunch together. I think the kids really enjoyed it. And we helped deliver the bags afterward.

Oh! On the night when Tyler and I went to the Murder Mystery party, our own child faced herself. We were at the party, June and Robyn were at a friend's house and Ivory had gotten all the children to bed. Then she started folding laundry in her room. She looked down and saw a spider on her arm. Naturally she freaked out, but managed to get the spider off her and proceeded to cry and watch it for the next hour or so until the girls came home. Poor Ivory. It was indeed a widow. When we got home, we killed it. Ivory was brave though. She only slept upstairs for one night. (That is because I made her go back downstairs on the second night.)

Robyn decked out the voodoo doll in the copy room. I think he she looks especially festive.

This girl is so cute. Tyler took this picture of her hanging out in her boots. Adorbsy.

Virginia, our adopted Texan grandma, sent us a package. It was so fun. She put lightbulbs filled with M&Ms inside. There was one big one that we needed to guess how many were inside. She hid the number somewhere in the box. We looked for that number forever. We finally found it (I think Robyn did) inside. Very clever hiding. It was a great Christmas adventure. Oh, and I guessed the closest and won the large light bulb o' candy. (Don't worry, I shared.)

Look at these two cuties. We left them upstairs and they fell asleep with their cute sleep masks on. Moments like these make a mom sigh with content.

Anything weird about this picture?

I think it looks like Robyn's legs are on backward. She had slumped in my room and when I walked in, I had to take a picture because she looked so strange.

If you follow this blog at all, you know that we make lots of shirts around here. Usually for free. But someone at school requested shirts from Robyn and even PAID her for them. What?? Robyn did the designs and helped make and ink the screens. Here are the finished products. We have no idea what they mean, but the kid was really happy with them.

We went to a Pam production of the Christmas Carol. (This was before Princess Bride.) It was fun to see people we knew, but I was very happy Ivory didn't have rehearsals through the Christmas season.

Tyler and I celebrated our anniversary by going out to lunch at DP Cheesesteak. That place is the best. I think I could eat one of those every day. So delish. And the Huckleberry soda is divine.

The girls are getting really good at braiding hair. June does some really fun designs. Check out Daisy and Ivory's hair. (June is definitely better than me.)

I drew this little Santa on June's leg.

She told me that, oddly, from the other side, he looks like Gandolf saying, "oh, oh, oh"

For Christmas we got a wizarding cookbook. (Thanks mom!) We made several of the recipes, but one of our favorites were these werewolf cakes. I really liked the black cherries.

Way back in the day, I bought Personal Progress fabric holders for the older girls. (I'm not sure if Robyn was in young women's yet...that is how long ago it was.) Fast forward and the girls love their little holders. Ivory wanted one, but I have no idea where to find them now. So I made her one. It isn't perfect, but it is darn close to the originals. I was very proud of myself. And I really love the fabric. So cheery.

We let the girls sleep under the tree one night in December. It is usually near Christmas, when I've almost forgotten, but before Christmas eve. So often on Christmas Adam. They sure look cute though.

Let's wrap this up with Camie and Nate. We had them over and gave them little Christmas gifts. I found these notebook covers and knew they needed them. We sure love the Call's.

* The child in the reindeer head was Daisy. Did you guess correctly?

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