Monday, May 13, 2019

March Chatbook 2019

March has been hanging over my head. It is time to get it knocked out and start chugging away on April. These kids go non-stop and so do I. I am impressed I keep a blog going at all. And my journaling. I have been writing in my journal for a year and a half. Wow. Go me. But let's get on to see all the random memories that we had in March. These aren't always in order, since I take them off FOUR phones. That's right...memories from Mom, Dad, June and Robyn. I fear when Ivory gets a phone...

I took a selfie for my Duolingo picture. I love this guy and sadly from the clock, you can see we often stay up too late.

Selfie at Ivory's choir concert. Looks like I caught Darin in the picture too.

I'm not sure if I have put this photo on before. Robyn drew this a long time ago, but it resurfaced. I really like it, so I wanted to make sure it made it on the blog. What's your favorite type of donut?

Most Pip pictures come from Robyn's phone. This is a little bittersweet because Granny V got off her mission in March and came to get Pip at the very beginning of April. So this is one of the last pictures we have of her. We even have a video of that silly pup. She really was a fun dog and quite snugly. Her peeing on the carpets was atrocious, but that doesn't mean we didn't love her.

Oh, speak of the devil. One of the things Pip loved to do was snuggle and hang out with whoever was home sick from school. Or from work in this case. Yes, even adults get sick. Poor JR was not feeling so great this day, so we got a sheet out for him and set up a spot for him on the couch. We haven't taken a lot of pictures of J while he has been here. This may be the only proof so far that he lives here.

At Pearl's party, Ivory got the gift of chip clips. These are a blessing and a curse around here because we use them to clip each other and see how long it takes for that person to notice. A ridiculous, but fun game. These girls are ready to play. (I find clips on me all the time. I think Pearl seeks me out the most.)

Pearl got tested for gluten intolerance. I have no idea what is going on with that gal. It is not dairy problems. And possibly not gluten either. She was so brave getting her blood drawn. She wanted to show off her arm to everyone. In case you are wondering, her tests came back negative. No gluten issues, but we still kept her mostly gluten free for another month. Recently, she has added gluten back in with no apparent problems. We'll see...

Battle of the Books came and went at the elementary. I go volunteer, but I often forget to take pictures. I got Daisy in her Lemon and Lime team, but I forgot Pearl in her Blue Dragons team. Oops. Both their teams did very well. They didn't win, but I love that they participate. Reading is the bomb.

This picture makes me laugh. Looks like Daisy has a long lizard tongue. She and Pascal could be friends.

We had a speed friendshipping night at the church. The girls came and helped us decorate. I'm not sure why it was Fiesta decorations, but they were cute. I got a picture of my girls and my boys.

Pearl finished speech in March. Good job P!! She has come a long way from her tiny tot status and not being able to say her 'k's. Even her 'r's never seemed that bad to me, which is probably why she graduated so quickly.

June got her patriarchal blessing, which is a very special opportunity you have as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She was so prepared. She is such a great kid. We went out to eat together at Firehouse after, since she had been fasting all day. Can you tell we are proud parents?

Pearl is keeping up with her puzzling. Of all the kids, she will often pull out a puzzle and work on it until she finishes, which usually isn't too long. I got a special City Centennial puzzle. Not surprising she finished it first.

March has our special pink socks day. I got some mismatch pinks this time and I think they are really cute. Tyler and JR were sporting originals from Barry. We sure miss him but I'm glad we can think of him and celebrate with foot attire.

June had an orchestra concert. I feel bad that I only have pictures and no video. For her last concert, I will be much better. I'm sad though, she will not continue playing at school next year. She is too frustrated with the teacher. I get it. So she auditioned again for a local youth symphony and we'll see if she makes it in. (She made it in last year, but chose to do ballroom instead.)

I guess they have this thing at the elementary where they send home a cabbage with every third grader. Daisy said she doesn't remember what happened to hers. It is some kind of contest. Great, because we are really good at growing things around here. (Sense the sarcasm.) Pearl brought hers home and with dad's help, it made it into the ground. Let's hope they are hardy vegetables. I'm not sure if it matters because I can't remember what you are supposed to do after that. Something about taking a picture, but I didn't save any of the info. Mom fail.

Some of my very favorite people in the world  moved back to our state!! Yay. We are so excited to have the Neilsen's back and Tyler was able to be their Real Estate agent. Very cool. More pictures of them next month.

And that's it for March. It was such a busy month. Currently, we are almost out of school. Only three weeks left. Each year, I think I will have more time to blog during the summer. And once again, I have these lofty goals. After all, I will have two kids doing summer school in the mornings. That should mean time for mom and her computer, right? I guess we'll see.

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