Tuesday, May 14, 2019

When Life Gives You Limes

One day Tyler decided to make limeade. He went to the store and purchased many limes and other supplies needed such as a squeezer. (Is that the technical term?)

He came home and put the minions to work. Please notice that some of the juice is not going into the pitcher...namely the stuff Pearl is slurping straight.

Juicing a lime can be hard work. Daisy is making it look easy.

I think she was surprised to see the lime stuck on the bottom.

Pearl's turn. I know she has muscles from all the tumbling she does and it looks like she is using every one of them.

I didn't realize making limeade required such concentration.

This face is great. That squeezer looks like it can't get any more closed. Any lime in there is completely smooshed. Or maybe there isn't a lime in there? Perhaps that face says, "Why isn't anything coming out??"

The limeade was delicious. Tyler added some coconut milk and overall, the kids were pleased with their first experience. I think we'll be making more this summer. And we'll let Pearl do all the squeezing...

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