Tuesday, July 23, 2019

11:11 Make a Wish

Eleven is such a great age. You are number ONE...TWICE!

Daisy is our only summer birthday and it is hard to make sure things go right. Often, someone is out of town or we are out of town as a family. She doesn't see friends at school every day so it is harder to invite people. There are many other things to plan, so sometimes the birthday gets neglected.  You can't do a birthday lunch away from school because...no school. Just hard. (And to think, I planned to have a baby during the summer.)

Daisy usually schedules in advance, so here is her birthday lunch back in May. (She sometimes tries for her half birthday but that is ruined because it is MY birthday.) Looks like they had fun.

This year, Dad was going out of town for her birthday. He would be at scout camp, so we opened gifts the day before. (Who doesn't like early presents??) Daisy likes soft, cuddly things, and she has some great surprised faces when she gets something she's been looking forward to.

For her party the next day, she invited just a couple friends and they went to Lowe's Extreme Air Sports. The girls played for an hour or so and had a great time.

Check out this epic leap for the ropes. Almost there...

The foam pits looked so comfortable. When I was young, you only had ball pits and those things were scary. Now, you can jump from pretty high and you are cradled like a baby.

Back at home, Daisy requested Pop balloons instead of a bouquet. Pop Balloons were invented last year when I forgot to get a bouquet for June. They were perfect for Daisy. We blew up 15 and then she got 11 of them.

Everyone took a turn. Daisy got candy, money, chapstick...and some water.

She picked all the water balloons and ended up a little drippy by the end.

We just had time for cake...cheesecake. Daisy requested Key Lime cheesecake. I must really love her since I spent 40 minutes squeezing little key limes in the morning. But it tasted really good. Everyone loved it.

Time to sing to the birthday girl and then when she blows the candles out too quickly, pretend to take a picture of her blowing them out.

Daisy's favorite gift of all was probably the giant squishmallow from Josie. She named it Smidge and drags it everywhere.

She also got a cute outfit from Diana. With the heels Ivory gave her, she looks too grown up.

She is growing like a weed. My guess is that she will pass me in the next two years. I love how the kids almost hold their breath so they can be as tall as possible.

I would say Daisy had a good birthday and that is what matters most.

1 comment:

  1. I notice you didn't mention my birthday present to Daisy. Oh wait, I hadn't given it to her yet. Glad she had a good time.
