Friday, July 26, 2019

Siete Mucho Rosa

Week seven started with a birthday, but that got a post of it's own. (See previous post) The day after, Ivory had a big event. I bet she wished it was a birthday instead of braces. She had a rough first day, but I would say that she has acclimated well. She is going to have braces for a good two years because she has a gap in her bite. If you look at the third picture, you can see her tongue likes to fill that gap. That is something that will need to be fixed over time.

I'm not sure what happened to our movie this week? Tyler was at Scout Camp most of the week and we were busy doing things and we never watched Happily Never After. We did however watch a LOT of Death in Paradise since they are taking it off Netflix. They always take my favorite shows. :(

Our treat this week was Tiger Butter. So easy to make. The kids also got this treat almost finished without my help. They melted the peanut butter and white chips and poured that layer.

Then they melted the chocolate and I got to help spoon that on.

Then everyone took a turn swirling. The result after it sets in the fridge is creamy tiger butter that melts in your mouth and disappears quickly at our house.

The big event this week was the Cazier Day O' Fun at Lagoon. The girls worked on designs for the shirts. I'm really sorry that I didn't take a picture of all the designs. They came up with some really creative ideas. In the end, we choose a more simple one since we thought it would transfer well.

When Dad came back on Friday, we inked all the shirts. That also was the day that the Wii arrived from Tim Kelly. We used to have a Wii but it broke. The girls were so ecstatic to have it back. The Wii has been on almost non-stop since then. Here is a picture of the girls playing tennis. Notice all our awesome shirts in the background.

Saturday dawned and we all got ready to go. We had a braid train going to get all hair in the right place. Then we were out the door. The younger girls caught a ride with JR and we took the older ones.

Lagoon is always a fun time. I was totally digging the pink shirts. They were perfect. I could find people in our group so easily. We saw some other families with matching shirts; a group with yellow and one with blue, but nothing as cool as ours. Go figure.

We brought a lot of drinks and some snacks. When everyone shares the load it makes it much easier.

After finding a good spot to put our stuff, we hit the park. I love this pic where you can see all of my five monkeys.

We took Jack and Rozz with us during the morning and went on several rides. We did Cannibal, the Rocket, the Skyride, the Spider, Wicked, and Colossus.

Then finally Rattlesake Rapids, where we all got soaked. (Ethan, that picture is for you!)

Back at base camp, we ran into the K Cazier's. It was so good to see them. KJ was showing off. He is super lucky that pipe was sturdy. We ate snacks and replenished our reserves.

Kathryn was smart to have us take family shots. She must have got the J Cazier's later because I didn't see Jami almost the whole time I was there.

We spent a good couple hours at Lagoon A Beach. I think Outrigger is my favorite ride. The kids and I race down and try to pass each other in the pools. I lost many times. There aren't many pictures from the water park. Phones tend to hide when we get near water but we did get one in the lazy river.

Sadly for us, the K Cazier's left while we were swimming. They had a longer ride home. We will miss them. But happily, we finally found Grandma. This is literally the first time I have seen her since she got back from her mission!

The afternoon brought us back into Lagoon proper. We were able to watch a boss magic show. The guy did so many cool tricks like walking through a mirror, cutting someone in half, and my favorite when he switched places with his assistant in the blink of an eye. Super cool. Magic is surely astounding. We did some more rides and had fun hanging out. JR joined us when his littles left the park. We tried going on Samarai and got up to the front when it 'broke down'. Really someone threw up, but apparently it takes 45 minutes to clean up vomit.

Standing in line forever made us really hot, so we went back to the rapids and got soaked again. Tyler got these fun videos as we went down the river. Now I know why JR wasn't quite as wet as we were.

Off the ride, we found the rest of our people. Every, smile and say "Lagoon!"

From here, we split into groups. Some went to the swings, some went to the REALLY long line at Log Flume, where we just got soaked all over again. Bummer. It seems like water was the theme the rest of the evening as others took on Cliffhanger.

By the time we ate dinner, a few of us were cold. Some die hards jumped on the carousel and planned to go all night. (Look at the muscles on that guy!)

Us less stalwart people took our damp selves home. It had still been a fantastic day! Cazier's are the best.

We finished out our week with an art show! What else? The theme for this week?

It was a very different theme. But we did our best and came up with some interesting art. I made ice cream, but since it was dairy free, it never quite froze and was a little more like cold pudding, but it was super tasty!

June made this awesome tree and called it an Everblue. Love the glitter.

Ivory did string art. I always enjoy string art. I have one of my own planned for a later theme.

Daisy did a couple interesting pieces. She made a peacock piece and a death trap. (I think it was supposed to be a guitar in another life, but it ended up being pointy and a little scary.)

Robyn wood-burned some mythical spoons. I think the unicorn was particularly fantastic.

I was trying something with spray paint, but it didn't turn out exactly like I was thinking. I ended up titling it 'Say it Long and Slow.' Mmmmmmmm. Get it?

Pearl did a couple pieces too. She made a clay spoon and she also did a group project with me by making a candle holder.

Camie was so kind to come judge for us. She didn't want to...too much pressure, but she did anyway. (She's a good sport.) Here are her picks for this week.

Another fantastic week comes to a close. Can you believe I have kept up over the Summer? Too bad I still need to go back and finish April and May. But you can't have it all. Sometimes I make too many memories to record. Gotta make em while I'm still young. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I showed Dad the spoon art and he was really impressed. Lagoon looks like fun, but I'm not sure I could handle it. Do they rent scooters like Disneyland?
