Wednesday, August 7, 2019

April Chatbook 2019

Let's go back in time for just a bit to April. It doesn't seem that long ago. But it is nice to be doing a chatbook because that means we are wrapping up the end of a month and moving on.

In April, Granny V was officially back from her mission and that meant we had to say goodbye to Pip. She was a diva in every sense of the word, but we loved having her for a while. I will miss her sleeping on me.

Granny V had a homecoming talk that several of us were able to attend. Sadly, some of the girls had work, so a few stayed behind. Here is Tyler taking everyone up in the truck. (So they could take a couch back to Grandma as well.)

Something about the road makes one sleepy. Good thing the driver didn't succumb.

If you ever wanted proof that I am raising a bunch of monkeys, this picture is a great one. How do you even eat breakfast like that?

Here is Pearl working on her silly picture. Remember our drawn silly pictures?

This was a special day. I woke up from a nap on a Sunday evening and lost vision on my right side. Following that was general confusion and an inability to remember words. Tyler (who was in the middle of grilling) dropped everything and took me to the hospital. These symptoms were consistent with a stoke, so you don't mess around. The faster you get in for help. the more they can hopefully fix. I was very lucky and after many tests, it looks like I just had a migraine with stroke-like symptoms. (I didn't even know that was a thing.) I was cleared to go home.

We have amazing neighbors who not only came over to finish grilling food for my kids but took them over to their house to hang out. My kids love the Pacanos family and their awesome hammocks. I am so grateful for their friendship and service.

In April, we had our large youth fundraiser. It was an auction style event like last year, but this time the kids were completely in charge. Needless to say, it wasn't quite as successful as last time, money wise, but in gaining experience it was priceless. Some kids really stepped up and took charge and learned what it means to run a large fundraiser style event. Our auctioneer was Harrison. He did a great job.

Tyler took the girls on a walk and while these pictures look like a lot of allergies to me, they still make me smile.

This picture of June with her BFFs makes me happy. It is so important to have good friends in school and June has some of the best.

Gotta include any random art I find from Robyn. You can't have an eARTh without ART.

April was flip flop month. This is an extremely important tradition that cannot be ignored. It used to be that my flip flops were the biggest, but no more. Those first four sets look basically the same, although Robyn's are the biggest.

Pearl finished another puzzle. This one is really hard since the fireworks are basically the same on both sides, but she is really great at them.

Since we missed finding the ice cream we wanted during Spring Break, we went and hung out with June at work. She gets a free cup of ice cream to take home every shift, but if we come in, she can take a break and eat it with us. 

Pearl's cabbage continued to grow in April. Despite the severe bite marks, it was making progress.

Robyn was also growing plants for biology. They even had a mini harvest. I was very impressed since I just don't grow things well. We now know to go to Robyn if we need green thumb help.

For Easter I decided to make some funeral potatoes. I read online that sometimes stores sell out of hash browns around Easter because funeral potatoes are so popular. I didn't believe that for one minute until I got to the store. Who would have guessed? I guess it is a thing in Utah...

If a ladybug lands on you, it is good luck.

Sharon came and visited for just a short moment. It was so nice to have her here. Most of her time was spent with her good friend Emily who was in the hospital for an awful case of sepsis that ended up taking parts of her fingers. It was a very tragic experience but I'm so glad Sharon was around to spend time with Emily and that I could help even a little bit with rides.

Pearl got a special treat...her own box of See's candy. She earned this because she read all the conference talks not once, but twice! Good job sis!

We had FHE outside one evening. I went inside to grab something and when I came back outside, everyone was gone. Where could they have got to?

Tween Author Boot Camp was in April. Both Pearl and Daisy went and had a great time. They hung out with Maggie and met some authors and learned some writing skills.

When school is in session, this is how a typical morning looks. Can't wait for that to start up again in a couple weeks.

And finally our last picture for April was the happy little voodoo doll at work. What will she do when Robyn is not around to outfit her? Maybe Ivory will take up the torch? I think this confetti dress is so cute.

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