Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Building Character One Yard at a Time

I would say that we are average yard keepers. We don't let everything go wild, but we don't have manicured hedges and edged lawns. The girls take turns mowing the lawn, but the best is when we get everyone outdoors to work on the yard. Many hands make light work. Sort of.

Tyler pulled out all the boards on the back path and left it empty for some time. He finally filled it all in with dirt which was great. That meant we could also finish the fence later.

I saw the apple tree hadn't been pruned and trimmed in years. You can see here that I had done some on the left, but the right is rather high.

There are all different levels of pruning, you know.
Small pruning.

Medium pruning.

And large pruning. Some of the branches were quite thick. I kept pinching my fingers in the pruning shears. Ouch.

June and Robyn worked on the side of the house and got a lot of stuff cleared out. It looked really good.

Daisy was my gatherer. All the branches I trimmed off, she would collect and put them in the truck. Good job.

Probably the most amazing part of this is that I made them do all of this BEFORE an Easter Egg Hunt and no one complained. They just got to work and dug right in. (Pun intended.)

Now that I know what they are capable of, we should have more yard days.

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