Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Nueve Campamento de la Banda

Week 9! People, that means school is right around the corner. Hug your kids and eat one more snow cone. Quickly please.

Robyn had band camp all during the week. She would leave in the early morning and not get back until pretty late, right around dinner time. They were very long days for her, but fortunately, being part of the pit, their problems are different from the rest of the band. They lament the A/C being on too high in the band room and running out of gummy bears. (Serious issues.) I think the shirts Robyn made should say it all. The Pit is pretty chill.

At the end of the week, they got paper plate awards in each section. Robyn got the Mallet Repellent Hands since she dropped the mallets all the time. (She probably threw them sometimes, but other times, she just couldn't hold on to them.) Robyn is very excited for the upcoming Marching Band season.

Back at home, we boring people just made a treat, watched a movie, and did art. Oh, and we said goodbye to an old friend. Our silver van has driven us all over and back again. But it was time for another chapter in our vehicle history.

Meet Maude. Tyler isn't sure about her name, but it is who she is.

Tyler also got a new ride. I love the blue! (To be pictured soon)

Our treat this week was Cheesecake Brownies or I guess you could call them Chownies. Here is the ingredient stack.

Some of my kids really like cracking eggs and others do not. Pearl is a great egg cracker.

These were pretty easy. The brownie batter was a little thick, so the clumps were a little big and not the easiest to swirl. Certainly not like tiger butter, but still doable.

Do your kids fight over who gets to lick the beaters? Looks like this sassy pants won...

The brownies were delicious and went quickly. The tinfoil was such easy cleanup. Maybe I should always do that.

We watched How to Train Your Dragon this week. Our favorite line was, "Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile."

Some of the kids got to go boating on Saturday. It ended up being very windy and a little rainy and no one got to ski, but we still love the Neilsen's for taking us out.

On Sunday, we ate dinner out with the McKell's and Neilsen's. June taught us Swedish Twister which looks strange to any onlooker. It looks like we are all just standing around in strange poses, but there was an actual competition going on. Just slowly. We also played some epic spikeball. It is required when we get together with Danny.

We had so much fun that we were late to our own art show. Bethany was so nice to come judge for us, I felt bad that we made her wait. But it was all worth it. The theme of GOLD was super fun.

Pearl took a picture of her gold thumb nail. I call them monster nails when they get so long. She is one of the few kids who do not bite or pull off their nails.

Ivory made an awesome gold bowl using a balloon, confetti and three litres of modpodge.

June made a cool zentangle design on a C.

And she made started a skirt which she wasn't able to finish before the art show, but that sometimes happens.

I made some earrings and called them earblings. (Why has no one thought of that name before?)

I also did some string art. I'd been wanting to do one of these for a while.

I like Daisy's cute One in a Million balloons. (This was a glitter/confetti week. We found it all over the house for....well, we are still finding it.)

I also made this succulent holder. The idea is that if you get the right succulent, it will look like a pineapple. In my case, the succulent is fake because I kill plants. But you get the idea.

Robyn did this awesome alligator with gold skin. She also wasn't able to quite finish him, but that doesn't mean he wasn't amazing.

Then my favorite entry was Daisy's choreographed dance to Britt Nicole's song, GOLD.

Daisy chose the right week to do a dance, since we just so happened to have a dancer come in to judge. Not surprising what her favorite was...

And she also gave out some other awards.

Only one more official week of art themes, but two more weeks of summer. Things are winding down and we did school shopping this week. That makes the inevitable seem more real. It won't be long before we are back into a set schedule and I will be lonely once more.

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