Saturday, March 7, 2020

Preference 2020 (Day Date)

Preference is a girl's choice dance. There is always great debate amongst the chicas about who should ask whom. June usually has someone in mind, but ironically it usually isn't a boy she likes. She likes to go to dances with friends, because that is easier and more comfortable. (I bet this strategy will change eventually.)

June asked a good friend, Xavier to go with her. She dropped off Stroop waffles and cider and this funny sign. (It says: You can WAFFLE as much as you want, but I think it's be SWEET if you'd DE-CIDER to go with me to preference!)

He responded with Starbursts. (I'd be BURST-ing with joy to go to preference with you!!)

I can't decide if I like girl's choice or boy's choice more. I enjoy helping the girls plan the date. But I really like not having to worry about anything. I guess I'm glad there are both types of dances. In this case, I ended up helping out quite a bit with this dance. I agreed to take pictures, but then I also decided to help with dinner, since they wanted Pacos and not many people have made those before.

Christina's mom, Joanna took the other half of everything. I bought food, and she decorated and offered her house. And she offered to prep the food since I was taking pictures. It may not seem like a lot, but it was a group of ten couples. Twenty people!! That is a lot.

On the day of the dance, the girls went and did a day date at the mall. They did a photo scavenger hunt. Not everyone was able to come and some people showed up late, but they divided into two groups and they were given phrases. Each team came up with their own interpretation of the phrase and took a picture to go with it.

Some were very creative. Later in the evening, they showed the pictures and voted on which they liked best. I don't know if there was a clear winner, but I think it was just for fun anyway. You certainly can enjoy these and decide which you like best from each phrase.

Both groups had the same idea on this next one.

This next one is my favorite!

Fun stuff. Both teams did a great job. I figured that was enough pictures for one post, so stay tuned for the evening glamour.

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