Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Sing to Me, I'll Sing to You

I like having a birthday near Tyler. It is easy to get it all done in a couple days. And nice to blog about it together. ;)

First up (always) is my birthday. I told Tyler what I wanted and he is always good to get me just what I ask for. This means I got some new tubs for my flour and sugar.

And I got a Fitbit watch. It isn't a Fitbit actually. It is the generic version, but I wanted to track my steps and make some fitness goals. In general, I don't like bracelets or watches. I don't like things on my wrist, but the Fitbit hasn't been bad at all. And I love keeping track of my steps. It reminds me to park farther away at the store just to get in a little more walking.

Tyler got some of the regular Dad gifts. (Regular to him, not to most dads.) A shemaugh to add to his collection and some Epson Salts. (Yes, everyone will steal when they take a bath.)

But the best gift was dates from the kids. Each kid chose something they wanted to do with Dad. They wrote it down and we hung them up.

Dad took each down, opened them and tried to match them to a kid. He failed miserably. At one point, he had them all mixed up. Five wrong out of five. But that doesn't matter. We got them worked out in the end and now he has some fun dates planned for the year.

As for cake, I wanted to make myself a carrot cake since I found an amazing recipe recently, but I was slow getting it done. Robyn finally made it for me. She is awesome.

I made pastries for Dad. She made cake for me. And we blew out candles like you are supposed to. Just small candles. We are getting old enough that 83 candles is a fire hazard.

What makes me happiest is not cake and presents (although I like both) but being with family. I have an amazing family. How did I get so lucky? Happy birthday to me!

Plus, I planned to throw myself a birthday party later. Who said adults can't have parties? Stay tuned...

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