Saturday, May 16, 2020

March Chatbook 2020

To me this is one of the most interesting chatbooks, since the world changed halfway through the month of March. Life kept happening but some things changed just a bit. Let's see what we were up to.

We found a two headed monkey in our house. These are rare to find in the wild, but they seem to multiply in captivity.

I was able to go see Camille baptized. She is such a sweetie and I'm so happy I got to attend her special day.

Daisy and I got to go see Strictly Ballroom early in the month, not even knowing this would be one of the last plays we would see for a while. This is the first time I had been out to the theater in Sandy. It was amazing. Gotta love the red lighting.

The actual last play we saw was Seussical. We went to see a friend in the production. Half the family went on Friday night and Ivory and I saw it Saturday morning. It was very cute and I'm happy they finished out the youth production.

June was able to perform at Abravenel Hall with the Youth Symphony. It turns out it was her last concert of the season. Lots of lasts this month. She got some fun pictures with Hannah. I like the art piece in the lobby and the weird stairs that lead into the wall.

I went to get a package sent off and I sent the kids to the pet store. (Pre quarantine of course) They found a winky skink. Can you see him winking at you?

Tyler washed a lot of his shemaugh's and hung them up to dry. Then he dressed as bandits with the kids. Funny enough, this was before quarantine and the need for face masks.

March usually means some yard work and trimming of the apple tree. I wasn't in charge this year, but they did a pretty good job.

After quarantine started, lots of things changed. School was all online and you could find the kids like this a lot of the time.

But mornings still looked much the same; kids crashed on the couch, waiting until the last minute to come to the table for Scripture study.

I saw a hawk land on our fence outside. The picture isn't great, but I usually only see them up in the air. I wonder who would win in a fight, Nova or a hawk?

We have slowly collected a large assortment of water bottles. It was time to thin things down. Now everyone only has two water bottles each. #Firstworldproblems

Pearl finished the puzzle she got for her birthday from Grandma Dargan. (It didn't take her long.) It is fun because there were hidden pictures to look for. I found a lot of them, but not all.

King Tyler rules around here. Daisy made a cute felt crown and I think it is just his size.

Nova continues to be a pill. She is better than she used to be, but we still have issues with her barking and nipping at strangers. But she sure loves our family. (And belly rubs)

Quarantine means time to read again. I love sitting down with all the kids and reading a book aloud.

Another thing we have more time for is stitching. Since June and I like to stitch and watch movies, we've had plenty of time. June finished this piece in March and has already made incredible progress on another. She is quite skilled and fast. (Although fast is relative when it comes to stitching.)

We cleaned out the sunroom and got rid of some art. I'm not sure if this piece ever made the blog, but I really like it. Robyn didn't love it, but she doesn't get to choose my opinion.

One Sunday, the kids found a new game. It is called foot drawing. Someone choose an object and then four people drew it...with their feet. Then a judge decided which they liked best. It was tricky. Can you even tell what they are supposed to be?

Lots of Elders and Sisters from our church came home from their missions. Some came home quite early and others were very close to the end anyway. Our good friend Ben came back. We couldn't see him because of Social Distancing, but we left him some messages in his driveway.

The toilet paper shortage was strange. We never ran out, but it took a long time before we could find any at the store. The day I came home with toilet paper was a grand event.

Daisy found a new use for balloons. I love how she looks. Does it remind you of the robot from Lost in Space?

Robyn grew out her nails. As far as I know, she hasn't had long nails since the day she was born. I was very impressed and I'm digging the purple color.

While deep cleaning the kitchen, we came across Uncle Shelby's ABZ's that got lost in there. Robyn took a picture of this picture which made me laugh.

We quarantined with the Hulse's for a while. (Gotta have someone to hang out with.) We played lots of games and plenty of Spikeball. But when restrictions got more strict, we did take a break from our quarantine buddies. Good thing there is Zoom.

Finally, I found this pictures of Robyn's art. Maybe she'll do a picture of all the Avengers if we wait long enough.

So...yes, life is a little different, but we are still having fun and staying afloat. We have a great family and we have so many blessings, it's hard not to be happy.

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