Saturday, May 30, 2020


Things are lightening up a bit here in Utah. Stores are open and although they recommend masks, I still see plenty of people without them. Sometimes that makes me mad. I think it is purely selfish annoyance. I find a mask rather smothering and it makes my face sweat. I would rather not wear one, but I know it is courteous to others to cover my face. It isn't about getting's about not getting other's sick. So if I can stuff my face in a mask and feel my hot breath condense on my skin, so can you, random citizen.

Enough of my soap box. That isn't what I came to talk about today. Instead, let's talk about what we were up to during quarantine.

First, all church services moved to our homes. In some ways the church has been preparing us for home study for years now. I'm very impressed with their foresight. We transitioned very well. We have an organ player and a worthy priesthood holder. What more do you need?

Our lessons have been insightful and sometimes we meet online with family to discuss gospel topics after church is over. After a few weeks, Young Women's even started back up, all online of course. It was nice for the girls to Zoom and see their peers. They've played lots of games like Pictionary over video.

School was online of course and you could often find the girls studying or doing art.

By art, I mean our summer art, but Robyn still had an art class. She was given an assignment to do a piece from 6 feet away. (Where did they come up with that idea?) She stood on a chair and drew in flour. It was pretty cool.

We had some home haircuts. I cut Tyler's hair. And Robyn cut mine. (Not at the same time.) My favorite line at the end was, "Mom, I think I gave you some accidental layers." Those are my favorite kind of layers.

We made treats. We actually make treats all the time, so I'm not sure that counts in our quarantine post, but these ones were fun because we put eyeballs on them. Eyeballs are fun to look at but not as much fun to eat.

We did a lot more walking during quarantine. How about you? We did more walks in the last two months than in the last two years. Most were in the neighborhood, but sometimes we grabbed water bottles and went farther.

A friend made us face masks. Not everyone has needed one. Usually I do all the shopping by myself to cut down on unnecessary risk and exposure. But we do have enough for everyone.

Boredom is always a part of quarantine. Luckily, there is always the weird selfies when there is nothing else to do. (Props if you can tell which kids are in this picture.)

Robyn and I did a lot of driving. She needed to practice to get her license and for a while, gas was really cheap and the roads were pretty empty. It was the perfect storm for those with a learner's permit.

The hammocks came back out as the weather got nice. The girls spend a lot of time out there. I took this picture, because it looked like someone scalped Ivory and left her hair out there.

Probably the best thing about quarantine is family time. We have had tons of meals together and we have played so many games. Sure, the girls get sick of each other now and then, but in general, I couldn't have picked a better group to get stuck with for a couple months.

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