Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Art Theme: Dante's Inferno

Your first thought might be...who would pick this theme? Well, the answer is simple.


In fact, we found out it was originally a joke. (surprise, surprise) He didn't think we were going to write it down. But we did. And it is one of my favorite themes so far. Funny how that works out. I'm not sure any of us really knew that much about Dante's Inferno before this theme, but now we have all been a little more educated.

The plot of The Divine Comedy is simple: a man, generally assumed to be Dante himself, is miraculously enabled to undertake an ultramundane journey, which leads him to visit the souls in Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. He has two guides: Virgil, who leads him through the Inferno and Purgatorio, and Beatrice, who introduces him to Paradiso.

To be clear, I have not read the Divine Comedy. Most of our information came off charts on Pinterest or minor research we did. Things to notice during the art: There are references to the Seven Deadly Sins (those are from Dante's Inferno) and there are many mythological references there as well. He was Christian, but the connections are clear. Dante's interpretation of Hell and it's nine levels are very interesting, but now you can see what we drew from it. I think you will be impressed with what everyone came up with, and you might learn a thing or two.

Flames were a common theme throughout considering the word Inferno.

Inferno by Pearl

Daisy didn't think there was enough love in this theme, so she added some.

Love in the Flames by Daisy

Robyn made Scarlet, The Grim Reaper. The basic premise of the story is that a girl dies, and she is sentenced to the ninth level of Hell. She doesn't know how she died, or what she did to deserve the punishment of the ninth level. The devil offers her a deal. She can go to the surface and kill one sinner a day, or she can just rot in Hell. She decides to go to the surface and kill people. But while she's up at the surface, she is finding out more about her past when she meets a rogue detective. She just wants to figure out what she did that was so bad, and how she died. DUN DUN DUNNNN!!!

Scarlet the Grim Reaper by Robyn

My piece is named Antenora after one of the places in the ninth circle of hell. It is named after the Trojan Antenore who betrayed Troy to the Greeks. This particular place is for Betrayers of Country and their punishment is to eat each other.

Antenora by Maleen

I love this cake June made. It represents each of the nine levels of Hell.

You Can't Have Your Cake and Go to Heaven by June

One of the Seven Deadly sins by Robyn.

Gluttony by Robyn

This next project was fun. Pearl was the model and Ivory dressed her up and took all the photos. Then Tyler worked his photoshop magic to depict Pearl as the Seven Deadly Sins. Can you figure out all of them? (In case you don't remember them: Wrath, Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth, Envy, and Greed.)

The Seven Deadly Sins by Pearl, Ivory, and Tyler

Next up, some art from the Hulse's. I really like this campfire made with mosaic tiles.

Campfire by Henry
You thought Dante's Inferno was intense, but what about Dainty's Inferno?

Dainty's Inferno by Maggie

Jonny's art was awesome. He took a piece that he drew in 8th grade and recreated it. I think he has made some definite improvements in his skills over the years.

1993 by Jonny

2020 by Jonny

Jane gives us another depiction of flames made with felt.

Have You Felt Fire by Jane

Personally I think Eleanor is much to cute to be associated with Dante's Inferno, but she makes an excellent Fire Princess.

Fire Princess by Jonny and Eleanor

Even Dragons need to stay clean.

Wet Chicken Dragon by Eleanor

Water Dragon by Eleanor

The seventh Circle, also known as Arizona in July.

Seventh Circle of Heck by Maggie

Next up, some art from the Francis family. This picture is awesome. Ever wonder what happens when Medusa gets a haircut?

Haircut by Lilly

Hannah saved us all by drawing only half of Medusa's face. You can't turn to stone unless you look in both her eyes.

Medusa by Hannah

Maya reminds us that the underworld isn't all bad. There is fruit there. Just don't eat it Persephone.

Pomegranate, The Fruit of Death by Maya

Rebecca did an amazing piece depicting the nine layers. The detail is great. You really don't want to go to any of those levels.

Journey Below by Rebecca

I believe this is one of the furies. I love it.

Furyous by Addison

Switching gears, we'll jump over to Tricia and her family. I'm really glad someone used the words that are written above the door to Hell.

Harbinger by Tricia

I'm pretty sure that I don't want to wade through the river Styx.

River Styx by Tricia

Camille and Annalise added lots of levels into their pieces. You can find Cerberus and the desert. Also demons and lots of skulls. (Hell is filled with dead people you know.) Annalise combined the frozen lakes and the people turned into trees (or cacti). So much symbolism.

Death by Camille

More Than a Thousand Skulls by Annalise and Camille

Cer Plant Man vs. Frozen Lava by Annalise

Later Tricia added clear fluorescent paint to make her zombies glow in the dark. Epic.

Nate hasn't done any art for us so far, so I was thrilled when he contributed this week. I think this would be the only way to travel when you visit the underworld.

Fraud by Nate

My mom did a slide show but I haven't gotten the picture in order. I'll try to get those on shortly.

In the meantime, our theme for next week is Out of Proportion. Should be great. Thanks to all the people who contribute art each week. It wouldn't be the same without you. I am so grateful to everyone who shares their talents.

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