Saturday, July 25, 2020

Room Changing 2020

I posted about Room Changing not too long ago in April and I said that we would probably move rooms earlier. Well, we did. As soon as school was officially done in May, we got to work moving everyone around. Because we were slow last year and quick this year, the girls only spent 7 months in those rooms, instead of a possible 12, but that is okay. Change is good and we needed something to do.

I almost forgot to take BEFORE pictures. Pearl was all moved out of the basement when I remembered, but I got most of them.

It went faster this time. No school to interfere and no painting. (Not that children didn't ask.) We worked and moved the girls over about one room a day. And just like that, everyone had a new space.

Robyn does not let people sit on her bed, but while she was moving, she let everyone take a turn sitting on the extra cushion top. (We got her bed an extra soft layer when she was down in the "Guest" room, but she claimed it.) Nova especially liked it. You can see how she is kind of sunk down into it.

Here is the Neapolitan Room (as I like to call it) before and after. This is where Robyn moved to.

The Hot Air Balloon room is where June took up residence. I really like how organized her closet is. (Love me a nice closet.)

The Green Room got a nice overhaul for Pearl.

Ivory went down to Atlantis in the small room. She wanted to point out how amazing it is that her birthday balloon is still floating five months after her birthday. That is determination on the balloon's part. (I don't blame it. Any balloons getting near the floor are a feast for the dog.)

And finally Daisy who took over the big room in Atlantis. She likes to decorate her bed in different blanket layers. I like the evening shot she took on a later day.

There you have it. Once again, we shuffled everyone around. Once again, we got rid of a lot of stuff. It is so fulfilling to put a dozen boxes out for MS. We may never get rid of all the clutter, but we'll keeping beating it back.

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