Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Who is That Masked Kid?

 Man, I have been such a blog slacker recently. All my good intentions went out the window while we were getting the art show ready. It was tremendous and trust me that some day (in the unknown future) I will blog all about it.

Meanwhile, back on the farm...school started. That's right. We live in a state that is tentatively trying to send kids back to school. Who knows how long it will last, but all my kids are super excited to go back and see friends and NOT do online school. 

School started today (except for Daisy who went yesterday). I made lunches and we did the whole shebang of pictures and favorites. After all, even if they have to come back home and do school on the computer, they can still have favorites.

I added the new category of Art piece from the art show. They all chose their favorite piece that they did. (Pearl's happens to be from last year, but still one of her pieces.)

School is happening folks. And these kids are rocking it. You have to give people with glasses extra credit, because masks and glasses aren't really bosom buddies. 

Maybe with kids back in school, I'll find some time to blog. (A girl can dream.)

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