Saturday, August 22, 2020

Graduation - Quarantine Style

The end of school was rather anticlimactic. In some ways, school felt like it was out since March, but online school was still a very real beast that the children hated encountering every day. So when the line was drawn in the sand and the kids could stop using the computer to look up canvas or google classroom, everyone was happy. 

I think graduation ceremonies are a bit overrated, especially for elementary, but I understand that they can be quite sentimental and important to certain kids. I felt bad for all the Seniors this year whose last hurrah faded into a few kind words on facebook and on billboards.

For us, we had only one "GRAD" this year and that was Daisy, leaving 6th grade and venturing in to the world of Junior High. Her teacher was pretty fantastic and made sure all the kids felt special. And they did a few things at the school to make it a memorable experience.

Daisy received a BOOK WHISPERER award in her class. This is very fitting since Daisy eats up books like candy. She reads huge series in a blink of an eye and then rereads them because she likes them so much.

She also received her own lemon in the mail from the principal. The mascot is the bear cub, but somehow they have incorporated lemons into everything as well. Fine by me. Also, when they send lemon drops, they usually aren't the REAL lemon drops. Disappointing, but they aren't for me anyway. Daisy loved her huge lemon and she made herself a cup of lemonade following the instructions on the card.

The surrounding schools did a fireworks show for all the residents. I think it was an end of year graduation type thing. We all sat on the grass and watched the show. From where we were, we could see two shows going on, since we live fairly close to two High Schools. 

Then on the final day of school, the elementary did a graduation parade. You could drive through and say hello to your teacher. I think we were supposed to stay in our car, but I loved Pearl's teacher and I had to get a last picture. 

Haha, look at the truck with the graduation cap. That is funny.

Also, Daisy needed to stand by the huge Graduation sign. In general, I really don't like when they spell Congratulations, CongraDulations, but I guess it makes sense in this case.

We even got a picture of Daisy with Henry. They didn't get to finish their ballroom season together, but they are still good friends. 

And so school ended and summer began, although it was really already going for us, with art and down time. Such a strange year. But each kid still graduated and felt some closure.

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