Sunday, August 23, 2020

May Chatbook 2020

It's always great to get another month completely squared away. It brings an immense sense of accomplishment. Just the other day I was watching the girls scroll through the blog and laugh at the pictures they found there. It made me feel so satisfied; that I am contributing a legacy to our family. 

So even when I get months behind, I will still press forward, logging our memories one day at a time. It is all worth it. 

Today you get all the randomness that was our month of May. 

I was taking morning walks during May and I passed under this lovely tree. I'm not sure what kind it is, but I love the pink blossoms. They remind me of hearts and I think they are gorgeous. They make me think of the heart trees in The Adventures of Mark Twain. (It is claymation and if you've never seen it, it is worth a look.)

This is a classic June picture. Feet up on her desk, reading a book and using a t-shirt instead of a towel in her hair after a shower. She read somewhere that it is better for her hair. I only dislike when she leaves the wet t-shirts on my wood furniture. Warping child!

Nova gets in some very interesting positions. I like when she stretches out along the couch. It makes her look like a greyhound. 

Pearl's cabbage (from last year!) reblossomed. I can't believe how big that thing got. The flowers were quite delicate and lovely. I think I appreciate them more than cabbage.

We got a lot of new games during quarantine. One of them was Throw Throw Burrito. It is intense since at certain moments you grab squishy burritos and throw them at each other. It is very fun, but you need the right kind of people to play with. It is definitely more interactive. We ended up chasing each other all around the house.

The girls played a game with the Young Women called Fugitive. You try to get from one neighborhood to another without being spotted by the leaders, who drive around in their cars. Robyn wasn't paying attention and she walked right into a trailer. She said it really hurt and later she had the bruises to prove it. Good where you're going.

I was working on my History Art and Hitler picture. I had another idea to use a mirror that never quite panned out, but these pictures are still pretty funny.

I really like this picture. It was Robyn working on online school, but also playing with the dog and organizing her papers. I think it is a good image of the regular day in quarantine.

Here I am working on my science art project. This was so fun. I had already made my litmus paper, so I was trying out different liquids to see what colors they would make. Lemon juice was my favorite. It made a bright pink, but baking soda, vinegar, and milk were pretty too. 

Tyler was on a salsa kick for most of May. He made so many different kinds and they were all delicious. We ate well that month. I'm going to tell him that I request more salsa this week. I'm suddenly having a craving.

I think it is funny that Tyler took this picture. We were all outside enjoying a conversation with Camie (since we never saw people) and he must have looked out the window and seen us. Bonus points if you can tell who is who from the back.

Tyler is really good at hurting himself. Especially with all the repairs and renovations he did up at the rental property, he was always getting new injuries (most of them small.) I always joke that he squeezes out more blood to make them look worse. So he sent me this picture when he got a small nick. All his scars just make him more manly.

Although there was plenty of social distancing going on, we were also able to see some friends and family and play some games. We had cousins stop by which was so nice, we played plenty of games with the Hulse's and we even got to see Jenaca (when she was in town) out at Camille's. Love those ladies.

Camille has some cute parakeets. I want birds so badly, but I know Nova would eat them for a midday snack, so no birds for now. These cuties are named Slayer and Aqua. (Neither is aggressive despite the scary name.)

I found this picture on June's phone. If you were ever considering a doodle or tattoo that has the infinity sign and a heart in it, here are plenty of ideas.

Daisy is in meditation mode. I have never been able to do that with my feet.

Robyn was still doing art projects for school in May. This is one of her projects using objects to create a color wheel. I really like it.

In English, Robyn was required to draw the connections between characters in Much Ado About Nothing. I love these little illustration people.

Snuggle buddies.

I've seen the girls stack every single petshop on the car before, but I've never seen these cute posers taking a selfie with it. Look at their little puckered lips. So adorable.

And finally, June was zooming through her stitching. With social distancing and less school, she had plenty of time to stitch and that girl can STITCH. At this point, she was over halfway finished with this project and it only took a couple more weeks to complete it.

Not a terribly exciting May and it was missing many of our normal end of school activities, but I'm not complaining much. May tends to have too much crammed into it, so I enjoyed a year off.

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