Thursday, October 22, 2020

A Summer of Repairs

One of the great things about Tyler buying a rental property was that it gave us something to do ALL Summer. And during a Summer when we didn't have as much to do anyway, there was always something to do on the weekends. Everyone took turns going up and helping. If someone had to stay home for something, I usually remained with them, but even I got up to the property to do some things.

The work was dirty, but the rewards could be great. Dad often included lunch or some kind of treat incentive to come back the following week. 

Lots of baseboards and lots of painting leads to tired girls on the way home.

Weekends included crazy hair, painting, fun little footprints in sawdust, more painting, spackling, and did I mention painting? Slowly the house turned gray. (Don't worry, that is the color we wanted it.)

I was not up there often, but I worked hard when I went. The girls were probably better at painting, but I weeded an entire outside section that was wickedly hard. It was a bit sunny, so the girls gave me a bag to put over my head. It wasn't the best sunscreen, but it was better than nothing.

Tyler said he knew he had been listening to too many true crime podcasts when he looked out and decided that the newly covered garden spots looked like four recently buried bodies. Well...he isn't wrong.

Mark came and helped out too. He did some spackling and some painting. (Big surprise right?) But when you are painting an entire house, including doors, baseboards, walls, ceilings, and trim, it takes a while.

It's exciting to put some hardware back on. That means this wall is done. 

Guess who else came? Karen, Mark's fiancé, also came and painted. She's a keeper. Maybe she needed something to do this Summer as well. More likely, she likes hanging out with Sparky.

There you have it. Adventures in renovations. Or you can also call it a grand exercise in character building. We parents are so kind to keep our kids developing all those essential skills.

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