Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Salute the Fourth

If you looked at the art from MOTION, you may have already seen our fun Salute video. But today we'll go behind the scenes and see some of the process in action.

I love a good dance or play, but some might say that I'm getting a bit old to be doing stuff like that. But when you stop acting young, all that is left is a bunch of old. So bring it on. Originally, Robyn and Daisy had the plan to do some hip hop and they were enlisting people to dance with them. However, some sisters weren't interested. June might have jumped aboard but she had her tonsils out and was keeping her feet up. So when the group seemed to be only two, I took a spot to make it a trio. 

It was actually really fun. We used a youtube tutorial to get the steps down. We changed just a couple moves and we practiced a lot. We worked hard to get our hands in the same position for our salute.

We had to find a day to film and it just so happened that the best day also happened to be the Fourth of July. So we decided to go watch fireworks and then film after. We did our makeup so we'd be ready. We went with the smoky look. Here is Daisy going from innocent to supreme teen.

I went from regular mom to zombie mom. I hesitated to put this on here, but it does make me laugh. I look pretty terrible. Don't worry, we didn't leave me looking like that. 

Here we are trying out some smoky on one of Robyn's eyes.

This picture is blurry, but you get the idea. Three hotties ready to rock it!

We took our usual spot up on top of the parking building nearby. There were actually quite a few people this year. It isn't our little secret anymore. But the truck was genius. It was high enough that we could watch comfortably all over the valley.

The fireworks were great this year. We had a fantastic time watching them. Snacks and good company make the whole experience perfect. And it was a good break from not doing much during the summer of quarantine. 

Then it was time to jam. Let's take a couple selfies and get this show on the road. 

We had a lot of fun. We filmed up on top of the parking garage. Then we filmed back at home on a trailer in front of our house and in the street as well. Even our neighbor came out and used his speaker (which was much better than ours) so we could dance to the music. 

In case you wanted to watch it again, which I'm sure you do, here is Salute.

What can I say? No matter how much dignity I may have sacrificed, it is worth every memory made with my kids.

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