Thursday, October 29, 2020

Across the Pond

Although we live near Utah lake, that doesn't equal a nice place to swim during the summer. If there isn't an algae bloom happening, it is just kind of nasty to go in there. So we are forced to try other aquatic options. The pool is okay, but chlorine can be a bit overpowering and this last summer, many pools were closed due to Covid, or I was just hesitant to send my troops in with the masses. 

However when Beth invited us to Manila Pond, it sounded fun and the kids were in need of a good dip. It isn't summer unless you get your toesies wet a time or two.

I had never been there before. It was so lovely. It wasn't too crowded. There was a bit of a problem with wind. The Hulse's had a nice canopy tent that blew over a few minutes after we got there. So they put it down and we used the shade from some small trees. 

We brought a couple paddle boards, thanks to Camille. I think we need to get our own next Summer. The Hulse's had some kayaks and we had a great time playing in the water. I had such a good time that I didn't bother to get my phone out. (Remember, sometimes I like to enjoy myself without all the documenting.) However, Pearl was on the ball and she took some photos for me. They weren't the pictures that I would have taken necessarily, but slackers can't be choosers. 

You can kind of see the pond from this photo that Robyn took. You'll just have to trust me about the kayaks and paddle boards. 

The regular crew was there with a few extras. The brown dog is McCall's. His name is Archimedes. (Makes me think of the owl from Sword in the Stone.) The black dog is Beth's. Cute little Shadow. Do you recognize everyone?

That last one with the hair is Ember. She came with us. She actually stepped on a bee and got stung on her foot. Ouch. I pulled the stinger out. I've never seen a stinger stuck in someone before. 

No pictures of Daisy or June for some reason. June was at the end of her tonsil recovery. She was taking it easy, but she got in the water too. In fact, when she fell off the paddle board, she realized breathing fast isn't good for a tender throat.  

The sand was super fun. The kids spent over half of the time on the beach. They dug a couple holes and then connected them. Very cool. And then they decapitated Eleanor. Is it littering to leave your head on the beach?

Our last picture was on the way out to the parking lot. Robyn found this window decal that made her laugh.

I wish I were better at getting the kids outside to fun activities. I guess there is room for improvement and I can work on that.

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