Thursday, November 19, 2020

One Score and One Year Ago...

I realize that my posts normally follow some kind of chronological order, even if they are usually months behind. But right now I'm jumping back and forth between summer and more current events. I understand that is probably confusing, but it is very soothing for my organized linear brain. I'm working my way from the outskirts to the middle. (It makes sense to me.)

This post happens to be from last month. October is our anniversary month. We had so much fun coming up with ideas we could do for our anniversary. We drew one at random and it was a mini trip. With Covid, we didn't want to go too far or do anything too elaborate, but we did want to get out of town without the kids. 

We chose Jackson Hole, WY and decided to drop the kids at Granny V's on the way. No, she wasn't babysitting. We were providing free labor for her in the shape of five girls. They just didn't know it yet.

We left Grandma's house on a Friday afternoon, with strict instructions to stop and get square ice cream along the way. The idea is interesting, but you have to get a good flavor for it to be good ice cream. For some reason, I choose Peanut Butter and Jelly. I wish I could have pushed the undo button. It was actually really gross. I felt like I had to eat it so we weren’t wasting money, but yuck. The girl had given me the dregs so it was a smaller scoop, and suddenly I was grateful for that.

Tyler chose chocolate. Good choice. I do like the shape.

The drive was rather nice and we were able to chat about a lot of stuff. Tyler is very easy to talk to. We never run out of things to say. On arrival, we found the air bnb easily. It was a really cute little place. But I’m not sure you would want to live there. It was tiny. The “Living room” was also the “bedroom”. And it was also the dining room since the table was in there and the kitchen was an arm length away. Tiny, but perfect for one night.

We walked and shopped before the show. There were some fun stores. Some weren’t too badly priced, but others were crazy expensive. Definitely a tourist place. I actually really enjoyed the store with all the taxidermized animals. There was a buffalo outside. I named him Bill. 

Anyone want a bear hug?

Proof that Jackalopes DO exist.

There are the classic antler arches around the town square. Interestingly, I was always a tiny bit appalled by the arches. It seemed a little brutal and wasteful to have hunted all these deer and stacked up their antlers. Well, I learned that they are elk antlers and the elk shed their antlers in the spring. Antlers are collected by the Boy Scouts and sold at auctions each May. That makes me feel a lot better about those arches. Like, a LOT better.

There was lots of fun and funny art and souvenirs around the premises. 

I always like to take pictures when I find my kids names in places. I found two of Pearl on the trip. (Makes me think of Kevin...Bake on.)

This art is very bizarre. It is a moose amputee?

Then we went to dinner at the playhouse. They had just switched over from their summer show to their Halloween themed show. The decor was fun.

The actors were also the servers (kind of weird). We had Wednesday as our server. She was very outgoing and nice. I think she said she went to BYU before coming out to Wyoming. Dinner was very tasty. There was a fall salad, rolls, and I had a cornish game hen. The saddest part was dropping one of my glazed almonds on the floor. Tragic really. 

While we were eating they came over and told us they changed our seats. It was the opening night of the Halloween show and I think they got some stuff mixed up. We were supposed to be sitting in the middle a few rows back, but they moved us to the far right front row. We were right up against the stage. We were so close that my knees had to move to the left because they hit the stage. You can see my seat next to Tyler. Well, actually you can't really see my seat next to Tyler. There is barely a seat there.

I was smashed up against the skull fence and Tyler was close enough that he could reach out with his foot and move a creepy rocking horse. Some people in the audience saw it moving and didn't know why? (We like to contribute to the spooky atmosphere.)

The show was basically the Adam’s family doing short sketches and songs. It was pretty fun. All the people were really good singers. And dancers. My favorite sketches were one where they didn’t sing, but instead harmonized in cool tones. And I liked the tango number with Gomez and Morticia. It wasn’t a very long show, but it was enjoyable. 

The next morning, we packed up and Tyler folded one crane. He is the middle of folding 1,000? Actually, I'm not sure what he is doing with the cranes eventually, but he has folded a bunch.

We had breakfast at a cute bakery. I am a sucker for baked goods. Although my chocolate croissant was a little shy on chocolate. 

I learned that Tyler doesn't like chocolate and bread together. Amazing what you can learn after 21 years of marriage. I think I'll keep Tyler around for another couple decades. He seems to be full of surprises. It was a very fun getaway for our anniversary. Short and sweet, but a reminder that we chose each other and it was a good choice.

I also found some pictures from a few days before our trip, on our actual "Marry Me" day. I gave Tyler a fun gift. The gift of himself. It was quite impressive. :)

Also we went to DP Cheesesteaks for lunch. That place is so delicious. It is somewhere I consistently like to eat.

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