Friday, November 20, 2020

While the Parents Shirk, the Kids Will Work

You just read about our anniversary in Wyoming, but let's see what happened before and after and in between for the kids.

It has been a long time since we have been up to Idaho to visit. Most of that is because of Covid. Everyone was excited to take a break and go see family. Tyler was very impressed with how well he packed the car. Look how precise and efficient...

We almost made it all the way to Idaho, but everyone was really hungry and a few people had to pee, so we stopped in Pocatello and bought some pizza. We ate at a park. Apparently we were near Idaho State University. Their mascot is the Bengal Tiger. Can you see it?

Nova came with us, naturally. She is usually pretty good in the car. She sleeps sometimes and climbs over everyone at other times. She likes to shove her nose into other people's business.

But it is good that she can handle her nose in tight places, because she stayed like this most of the trip.

Yep, that is the muzzle, because Nova can not stop wanting to eat Pip. Ever. Pip is getting arthritis which makes her squeak when someone touches or moves her. The squeak is Nova's signal to pounce. So the day is a constant process of Pip squeaking and someone holding Nova back. It's fun.

The first night there, Granny V invited the missionaries over for dinner. She can't normally have them over because she lives by herself so she took advantage of the extra people to have them over. That said, we still had to eat outside. We brought some food to share. We had picked up an awesome salad and some focaccia at a farmer's market. Yes, those flowers are edible.  

We played Small World that night. It was new to most of us, or basically new, since Tyler and I haven't played in a decade. It was really fun except that Tyler whined the whole time about not getting as many points as other people and then he won. Yep, people like that are super annoying. I actually thought I did okay and I lost. Even Grandma, who possibly understood the game the least, beat me. :)

The next day we played Betrayal with Kolby. It was really fun. He ended up being the traitor, a werewolf, and only through some unprecedented luck (and Kolby's terrible rolling) did we manage to beat him. 

Ha, Nova really likes to turn her bowl on its side and dump out the food. She couldn't figure out how to do that with Pip's bowl. 

Then Tyler and I left. (So long kids. Be good.) That meant the kids were in Grandma's hands. She put them to work. They cleaned out her pantry and threw away expired food.

They also worked on the potting shed, getting it all organized and cleaned so Grandma can paint in there again.

They did a lot and worked hard and then they celebrated with a night on the town. Okay, maybe just dinner at a restaurant, but close enough.

Saturday, Tyler and I came back to the house, so we had to play some more games. We taught Grandma Sagrada and Skull King. We played the special 11th round where you bid before you look at your cards. I'm not sure how June's going to take 5 tricks when she had that many escapes. 

KJ came over in the evening to hang out and chat. It was fun to hear about his life and his plans for the future. He is really into running at the moment. You can tell by the serious definition in his calves. Yowza! (His leg is on the left.)

It was a short but sweet trip. I took some pictures on the way out since I really liked some of the Halloween decorations the neighbors had up.

Then just another ride back. June and Robyn drove Grandma since she was coming to Utah to visit the J's. I think they enjoyed being the chauffeur. The only two we had to keep apart were Nova and Pip. Looks like Nova was exhausted from stalking Pip all weekend anyway.

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