Thursday, November 5, 2020

Spooky Friends and Food

It seems like it has been a long time since Tyler and I went to Halloween party. We were super excited when the Holman's invited us to come and party with them. 

I went over in the afternoon to help decorate. Katie is serious about her parties. She had such fun decor to put up. I was happy to help and I even fixed an knickknack that got broken during the process. (My kids breaking things all these years has made me somewhat of an expert.)

Back at home, we got ready for the party. Robyn did such a fantastic job on my makeup. We also made some treats to take to the party. I tried these donut spiders but none of us could cut pretzels without them breaking into small pieces, so we gave up and Daisy just decorated the donuts with eyes. They turned out really cute. 

The party was really fun. They started with a Fear Factor style game. There were five covered trays with strange, unappetizing delights underneath. If you tried the first plate, you could continue on to the next and so on. This was not my type of game, but I was happy to watch. The first plate was duck egg yolks.

Tyler said that it was the worst of all of them. He said it tasted like dog breath. Gross. The next dish, dried anchovies, seemed easy after that one.

Next up, Snail soup. Make sure you suck out your entire snail from its shell.

Tyler stopped at this point. He was already a hero in my eyes. So he missed the delectable squid.

The final tray was chicken feet. Oddly, all the people that made it to the end had no problem with that one. Katie thought people would be more squeamish. She had no idea FIVE people would eat everything.

Then we played some Mafia. I was the narrator since I've played so many times and I knew what I was doing. The Mafia destroyed everyone. They killed two detectives first and no one ever voted to kill them. It was a clean sweep, despite Areli proclaiming from the start that her husband was always bad when they played games like this. (She was absolutely right!)

Then we played Box of Lies. I think I would have liked this game more if people understood how to play. One person is given an object and they choose whether to describe it (or something else) to the person across from them. Their opponent has to decide if they are describing the actual item in front of them, or something made up. 

For instance, I started and described a snow globe sort of object with pink foam around the base and a Halloween scene inside it. There was a tree and tombstones and little skulls. Janille decided I was telling the truth, but in actuality, my item looked like this...

It's a shame I didn't describe it. It is so cool and creepy. After me, no one lied. It's like they didn't know how. Some people played it like twenty questions. They would vaguely describe something and the other person sort of guessed what it was. That is not how the game is played. I do have to give props to Caroline for coming up with some strange items.

Finally someone tried lying. But Tyler easily saw through that. They had me and Tyler do the last item. I knew that Tyler was going to tell the truth, but he described such an ordinary item that I finally decided he was lying. I should have gone with my first instinct. He was telling the truth. But how boring is a cat with a pear after half a shark munching Poopouri?

There was a costume contest as well. Caroline and Jason won. They dressed up as Dustin and Eleven from Stranger Things. They looked great.

You can see a picture of the girls here. The guys were too lazy to all stand in a row. :)

It was a great evening with great friends.

And in case you're wondering how a giraffe lets her hair down? It's like this...

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