Friday, December 18, 2020

Black Friday Traditions

I haven't gone shopping on Black Friday since...last year. Okay, wait. I don't really think that I go out shopping very often, but apparently I went last year. But shopping is not what I PLAN on doing. Sometimes I'm in Idaho and there are fun deals. Well, usually we are in Idaho. But this year we were home doing the isolation thing. And I loved it. 

I didn't love missing family. I do enjoy being with our extended family for Thanksgiving, but I loved the day after together at home. It was very laid back. Daisy was recovering from surgery the day before. But she was very chipper and keeping herself amused with Mario and hanging out on the couch.

Tyler made an amazing seven layer bean dip. It was so tasty and we think that should be an after Thanksgiving staple. It is light and is perfect for snacking on in between leftovers.

We also were all together so we decorated for Christmas. It was great and we even got Daisy involved. I gave ornaments to her and she handed them out to her sisters.

We got both trees up and played Christmas music and enjoyed being together as a family. These are some of my favorite times. 

I don't have many more Christmases with everyone home. Don't get me started. I tend to cry when I think about how things will change. But I comfort myself that we'll add son-in-laws and grandchildren someday. Our family can only get more awesome, right?

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could be there for Christmas this year as I originally planned, but thanks to Zoom and Skype, I'll be able to join you for some of it. You always seem to have such good times together.
