Saturday, December 19, 2020

November Chatbook 2020

Closing up November and feeling pretty good about it. These tidbits aren't from too long ago. Take a gander at all the random things we think are important. 

I voted. I went to drop off my ballot the day before voting day and I was surprised by the line at the library. But I'm happy to see so many people taking their duty seriously. (Even if we were there the day before deadline.)

Dances aren't happening at the schools, but some people have still been asking and doing different activities. June bought some buffalo wings and wrote a sign that said something like, "We might have to WING it because of Covid, but do you want to go to Sadie's with me." Valerio responded the next day with this sign. They actually haven't planned a date yet. It has been rough, but they will get there eventually.

The Young Women have had fewer in-person activities, so it is pretty fun when they can get together. Life sure is different than it was a year ago.

June took a challenge to visit the temple grounds. (Temples still aren't open for regular attendance.) She took Christina, Daisy, and Pearl and they made a good effort. Some grounds were closed and they could only get a foot on the property, but that counts. :)

These two monkeys sure keep things interesting around here. 

Daisy drew a little deer peeking out of dad's pants. The ears are drawn on his dimples. Funny.

Speaking of dates, the girls (June, Hannah, and Christina) planned a Halloween date. It didn't happen in October, but they finally got it worked out. They had a lot of fun playing Betrayal. Hannah was the traitor and almost killed everyone by bringing the house crashing down, but they managed to win!

Some things never change (even with Covid) like how hard it is to wake up in the morning.

These two sure think of the weirdest things to put in their noses. I think they secretly have a punk rock side.

We've been stashing our neighbor's Christmas gifts at our house. They are large enough that we finally made a little table out of them. I will almost be sad when we have to give them  back.

Here's a few pictures of Nova to warm the cockles of your heart. (If you like dog pictures and have never met our dog.) She's been learning 'prairie dog' where she sits up, and she's got 'shake' down.

Pearl is the one who likes to take pictures of Nova...and herself.

Jeopardy (which we did in the summer) came back, but morphed into something new. It became BRAIN STRIAN. (It was going to be Brain Strain but Tyler spelled it wrong on the cards.) It is a much more mellow version. Everyone has cards and can guess A, B, C, or D on the questions. So it is still a competition, but you can also compete with yourself to see if you can improve your score. I still love it for research purposes. I learn so much each time we play.

Our Primary program was much different this year. The Primary put together a video of the kids speaking, singing, and acting out songs. It was really fun. They did a great job (the kids and those who put it together). It was a fun evening to sit down and watch it.

We had a fun/silly shopping day. Robyn was looking for shiny boots. But it is always a party when we go out together. She did settle on some boots that aren't pictured. She got the black version of the last picture of the white ones. Super cute.

Both the older girls got jobs this month. They sat down, filled out applications, and bam...hired. I'm very proud of both of them. June is working at Color Me Mine, and Robyn is working at Macey's.

I took this picture because Ivory's hair is amazing. It is so long right now, when she piles it on her head, it is something.

We've done some fun baking recently. I found a banana pudding recipe that looks really neat with the Pepperidge Farm cookies on top. And we tried our hand at Macarons. They are a bit tasteless, but the lemon curd filling was tasty. Also, we tried to make them purple and they turned out kind of gray.

For many years we've been driving by the same parking lot on the way home. Often, in the late afternoons, the seagulls congregate there, all facing the same direction. We think it looks like a seagull conference. That parking lot has been under construction for the past year, so we miss seeing the seagulls. Just the other day, in a different part of town, I spotted some together. Not nearly the amount we've seen before, but always fun to spot a seagull conference.

This sunset is stunning.

I've been playing Spikeball with some ladies in my neighborhood. We play on Wednesday mornings. When school was canceled on Wednesdays, June was more than happy to join us. It is harder to get people to come as it gets colder, but some of us are die hards. Here are some of my peeps. (Me, Janille, Heather, and June.) In the second picture, you can kind of see where we carved out a circle in the leaves while we were playing. 

June likes to play without shoes. One week she left her shoes and didn't find them again until we came back the next week. Luckily we live in a good area. No one stole them.

Silly Pearl looks like she doesn't have arms. Just little chicken wings.

Last picture for November. We dried out the wish bone from the turkey and then Daisy and I each took a side. This is what happened. I think that is Covid trying to tell us that none of our wishes will come true this year.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - there was a lot packed into this blog, and all of it very interesting. You really do keep track of what's going on in your family. Good for you!
