Thursday, December 31, 2020

Loads of Talent

Many concerts have been virtual this year, but we have been able to attend a couple, like watching Ivory at the Maker's Market. June's first choir performance was on video, but the next one was in person. Yay! The kids still had to sing with masks, but they sounded great.

June has really loved being in choir this semester and I can tell that her voice has gotten better. Also, she is better at picking out the alto part and singing harmony. Here is the Con Brio group. All girls. Bet you can't pick out June.

Here is a close up. She is middle right.

The girls sang so well. My favorite number was Peace, Peace, where there is a harmony sung with Silent Night. It is one of the numbers I like to sing when we go caroling.

The concert was divided into two parts so the auditorium could accommodate families, but not too many at once. The first part featured Concert Choir, Con Brio, Motive, and Man Choir. Motive is a select group of kids that sing really well. It is a fun group. I know several of the kids in there including Steven, who is sadly not our neighbor anymore since he moved.

Man Choir sang one of my favorite numbers. It was called Don't Be a Jerk (It's Christmas). I was saddened to find out it came from Sponge Bob, but the song was still funny.

Now for a concert of a different variety. Robyn and Daisy had a piano recital, but because of Covid (always COVID!) they decided to do a virtual recital. That is actually really great for these gals because that meant they could record multiple times; no on-the-spot stress. 

At least that is how it should have been, except that we forgot to record until the day the video was due. So it was still a little rushed. Robyn wasn't thrilled with her performance (there are a few mistakes) but I still think it was great.

Daisy sat down and did her song in one run. She had that thing memorized.

For the actual recital, it was just a big Zoom call and we watched everyone's videos. It was a lovely relaxing evening and we didn't even have to leave our house. So, thanks Covid. (That is somewhat sarcastic, but you can still find the silver lining.)

I look forward to typical concerts, but I can enjoy my kids talents year round.

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