Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy Covid Free New Year

Hello 2021! This is going to be a great year, I can tell. Truthfully, 2020 wasn't a terrible year for us either. I think each year holds something important and special. The best part is that we are all starting the year NEGATIVE.

Not attitude of course. We are very positive for a great year, but all our results came in negative.

Ivory had the Rona over Christmas and we all stayed in isolation. No one had symptoms, so I was optimistic that our results would be good. 

A few days ago, we loaded up in the car for the first time in forever to go get tested. We were quite the sight. It was an outdoor saliva testing place. We pulled up and said, "Six to be tested please." I'm sure they have large groups come in, but probably not that often.

They had us pull over to the side and they said they would bring the beakers out in a bit.  It really took them quite a bit of time to come over. Tyler and I chatted in the front seat and I was unaware that it had gotten very quiet in the back. The girls had stopped talking and they were saving up their spit. 

When our vials came out, I passed them out to each person. There is a little black line midway on the tube. You need to fill it with saliva up to the line, not counting bubbles. The girls in back emptied out their spit reserves. It worked perfectly for Daisy—right to the line, but I heard June say, "Oh no! Mine is completely full. It says on the instructions not to overfill the tube. And it is underlined!"

Turns out several people went over the line. 

Meanwhile, I'm dutifully trying to fill my tube. It wasn't really hard but I've never been great at expectorating. 

Lucky for the girls, there was an almost empty water bottle in the car. We passed that around and people could level out their vials and get rid of the extra spittle. We all got to the right line, screwed on the blue cap, shook vigorously and turned them in.

Now we had to wait for results. They didn't take long at all. Results were ready the following evening. And we were all NEGATIVE. Yay!

That was New Year's Eve. It was great news. We were finally free from quarantine, although we didn't have anywhere to go. Ivory wasn't done with her time out until New Year's Day. At midnight on New Year's Eve we were all sitting on the couch saying 'Happy New Year' to each other, when Ivory sticks her head out from the basement and says, "Can I come up now?"

Yes! All together again. Ivory had just finished sanitizing her room. She came up with a mask and a wipe in her hand.  It was the best New Year ever. 

I wish all of you a Happy New Year as well. As for me, I'm planning to go somewhere today. Not sure where, but anywhere outside my house!!

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