Thursday, March 25, 2021

7 Years Later...

When we moved into our current home, there were a few things we wanted to fix, but because repairs and renovations cost money, everything was put on a list to do later. Many of those things have been done in the last seven years we've lived here. And many haven't.

Towards the top of the list, but a pricey item was carpet. In one family room, there was carpet that was worn down and missing in places leaving the tack strip exposed. Trust me, you don't want to step on a tack strip, so we had a little rug that we put over that spot. But rugs move and most people knew not to step there. Yet, every once in a while, you would still get a good poke in your foot.  

Last year the rental house that Tyler acquired got new flooring and I thought that maybe we should get new carpet, but it wasn't the right time. Christmas came and went. Then it was birthdays and Tyler took me carpet shopping for my birthday. (I didn't get too excited. We had been carpet shopping before and had even picked out samples to take home that didn't result in anything.)

But this time it was for real. We chose a completely different carpet than we had before (I like this one so much more) and we set up for them to come put it in. Our job was to rip carpet out before, to save on some money. However, the guys called and asked if they could come a day early since someone canceled. That was fine, but we weren't quite ready. The carpet company said they could pull it out for us. Tyler went to work with a vengeance, pulled it all up, and asked if they could take the old carpet away instead. Good deal.

We did our two big rooms on the main floor. Here is Midgard with the carpet pulled into the middle. The pad was very worn in places and it is amazing how much dirt can get through those two layers.

I actually didn't mind the blue carpet we had in Carnegie Hall, but it made sense to have the rooms match. Goodbye old blue.

When we pulled up the pad in Carnegie Hall, we found the evidence that Tyler left when he put the can lights in downstairs. Yes, he drilled right through the ceiling in the basement, up through the floor. Nicely done. (Shh, no one will know.)

The carpet guys were pretty quick. We thought the kids would be at school, but they came on a distance learning day. No problem. We all hung out in the kitchen. Soon enough, the pad was all in, in Midgard. 

Carnegie Hall was a little bigger.

Now carpet. Can you see the slight pattern in the gray? Almost like stripes.

All done. You can see where the carpet meets the wood. No more tack strip and no more extra little rug!

I adore the new carpet. It isn't super piled, but I like the height and softness. And not surprising, so does Nova. 

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