Monday, March 22, 2021

Trampoline Tricks

When we last left the trampoline at Christmas, it was bent and non functional. We had to wait a few days for a part to come in the mail, but before the New Year even started, we had the tramp up and jumping.

Pearl was so thrilled. She literally jumped for joy. 

Tyler was very happy that the second attempt worked. But actually, we should give some credit to the girls who read the instructions and made sure it was assembled in the right order the second time around.

Nova didn't know what to make of the trampoline. She doesn't like people where she can't reach them. She ran around and around and poked her nose up now and then to see what was happening. (She has gotten used to it now.)

Pearl loves to practice her flips on the tramp. She does back handsprings, tucks, and whatever else you can do in fifteen feet across. 

The tramp has gotten good use since we purchased it and we aren't even into the warm months yet. All the kids love it. Granny V even took a turn on it when she brought Hen and Grand over. 

The most recent escapade was a new game that Tyler and Pearl invented. It is called 'Ride the Bull.' I'm not sure how much the bull can take, since he seemed to have some back pain after, but I think the kids loved it. 

It really took us forever to get a trampoline, but the kids really enjoy it. It was a great investment.

1 comment:

  1. I actually took a class in trampoline at college my very first semester, but I had to drop it because it was too hard on my flat feet. I've always regretted that I couldn't stay in the class because I enjoyed it immensely. I'm glad Pearl is having such a great time with it.
