Monday, March 8, 2021

Birthday Girl and Boy

I'm still not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing that Tyler and I have our birthdays so close together. I can't change it so we'll just deal with it. I think we have found a happy medium. We try to plan something for both of us. This year we decided to do a Murder Mystery to celebrate. It was quite fun, but that is a post of its own.

Meanwhile. we each have our own definition of celebration. I like to spend time doing what I'd like on my birthday and get a few presents. Tyler likes less fuss around his birthday. He will accept a few presents, but doesn't need much to be happy. He probably would like to go out to eat lunch or dinner.

The day before my birthday happens to be Jonny's birthday. He invited us out to eat which was really great. We went to a Thai place and enjoyed good food and good company. I couldn't get my phone to take a selfie of all of us. It kept making Tyler blurry, so you get one of each couple.

On my actual birthday, I had a pretty typical day with work and the like. I did notice that someone put a special star in the sky for me, which I greatly appreciated.

I asked June if I could play Spikeball with her. It was my only birthday wish. She plays with her friends all the time, but it is weird to have your mom come play. (I get that.) But she let me play. We went to the fields and had a great time playing. We only stopped because the girls at home had made me dinner. (Which is the other thing I NOT cook on my birthday.) However, everyone was up to play some more, so we decided to take the Spikebrite net out and play into the evening. It was a great birthday. Look at these great kids. They are so fun to play with. 

I did get to open some gifts and Pearl made me brownies, although I told her I didn't need a cake. (She is sweet.)

I promise that Tyler had love and attention and presents on his birthday as well, but less pictures were taken. Here you can see his sweet girls loving on him. He is our knight in shining armor. 

Stay tuned for our fun Murder Mystery. It was our birthday party to each other. 

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